Internship/ Job Announcements
Anyone interested in posting an internship/job opportunity on this webpage should e-mail William Herrera at Please make sure to cc so that your internship/job opportunity is posted right away. All Industrial Affiliates and other company employers are also encouraged to post their current job/internship opportunities on UCLA BruinView through the Career Center.
December 2010 Archive
December 2010 Archive
Frito Lay Engineering Job Opportunity
Public Identity CS Paid Internship
- -Looking for Computer Science intern
Warner Bros Global Digital Media Xchange Inc. Director of Engineering Position
- -EE Alumnus
Warner Bros Global Digital Media Xchange Inc. Compression Operator Position
- -CS or EE students
National Security Agency Career Opportunities
Blizzard Internship Opportunities
NREIP Internship and SMART Scholarship
MAGMA EE Internship
- Forward resumes to Dr. Salvador Rivas for consideration at
Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Internship: Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School (LADSS)
Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. Hiring CS graduates
- Serdar Uckun Manager, Embedded Reasoning Area PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 [+1] 650-812-4329 (work) [+1] 650-743-7192 (mobile)
Cyber-Rain Programming Intern
- -Computer science majors
PARC Postdoctoral Research Scientist – Intelligent Systems
- Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.
PARC Member of Research Staff – Scene Analysis – Computer Vision Position
- Palo Alto Research Ceneter, Inc.
PARC: Member of Research Staff – Probabilistic Inference Position
- Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.
- When: Tuesday, November 16th, 6:00 pm Where: Engineering IV Room 37-124
Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp- Senior SOA Developer
- -For CS Majors
UCLA Center for High Frequency Electronics (CHFE) is hiring a Lab Assistant
- -Deadline December 20, 2011
American Society Engineering Education Intenrship Programs
November 2010 Archive
November 2010 Archive
- When: Tuesday, November 16th, 2010 @ 6:30pm-8:00pm Where: Boelter Hall 4760 Who: all interested B.S., M.S. and Ph.D engineering and computer science students
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird Infosession hosted by AIAA
- Come to the SR-71 Infosession this Wednesday November 17th at 6:30PM-8:00PM in 38-138 Eng IV hosted by AIAA.
California Steel Industries, Inc. Info Session Hosted by Materials Research Society
- When: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 5:30pm-7:00pm Where: Engineering V Room 2101
California Steel Industries, Inc. Engineering Internship
L-3 Corporation, Ship and Aviation Engineering
- -We are looking for a recent grad EE or CS or CS&E or EE w/CS-option or anything in between. -John Propst L-3 Command & Control Systems and Software 301.373.9340 x232
CyberSource Job Opportunity
- for CS and other technology based majors
Microsoft Tech Talk hosted by ACT
- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH at 7:30PM Boelter 4760
Raytheon Infosession hosted by AIAA and TBP
- Wednesday November 10th at 6:30PM in 38-138 Eng IV
US Department of Transportation Women’s Internship Program
- For more information and to apply visit: Requirments: Be female I 2.8 GPA or higher I Enrolled student
Pathways to Science Paid Research Internships (NSF & NASA funded)
- Susie Valaitis Associate Director
NSF GK-12 Graduate Fellowship
- To apply for this NSF Fellowship, go to: Application due: February 15, 2011 Start date: July 1, 2011 (12 months)
Paid Internships for Engineering Students at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Please browse and apply to our educational opportunities at
Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Scholars Program
- -Over twenty scholars will be chosen for internship positions in the summer of 2011. SCI Scholars receive $6,000-$10,000 for a ten-week internship. -Applications are due December 15, 2010. Interested students should visit to fill out an application and get more information.
Pre-Sales Marketing Engineer position thru Triad Technology Group
- – Requires a BSCS/CE/EE or MSCS/CE/EE- -Please email your resume to if you are interested in applying for this Pre-Sales Marketing Engineer position in Portland, OR.
Software Engineer Developer Opportunity in Entertainment Industry
- Entertainment industry professionals are seeking a top notch, creative software designer/developer to join cutting edge start up project. Quick turnaround. High profile. Long term possibilities.
Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program
- Visit for more information or to apply – deadline is January 31, 2011! From Science Education Programs:
Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts – Engineering Internship
- *The Sanitation Districts are now accepting online applications from engineering students for part-time and summer internships.* -Any questions regarding the internship program should be directed to Robyn Beach, Recruiting Coordinator, at
Bruin Consulting Opportunity for Engineers
- Date & Time: Saturday, 11/13/2010 – All Day Location: De Neve Auditorium Apply on the following link:
Curtiss-Wright Corporation Infosession hosted by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- When: Tuesday, November 9th, at 6:00 PM. Where: Engineering IV, Room 37-124
Lockheed Martin Interviews
- Interviews*: Weds., 11/3/10, Career Center, Strathmore Bldg., 3rd Floor Must submit resume & cover letter at 11/2 Infosession or 11/2 Career Module to be scheduled for an interview
October 2010 Archive
October 2010 Archive
Northwestern University Paid Summer Research Experience for ChemE & BME Undergraduates
- -Research areas include ceramics, polymers, nanocomposites, photonics, nanoparticles, molecular electronics and biomaterials. -Students currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in science or engineering who are US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. -The program dates this year are June 20 to August 19, 2011 -Applications are due Feb. 15, 2011. -Participants are paid a $4000 stipend and a travel allowance and on-campus housing are provided.
Foundero Mobile Engineering Internship
- -For senior CS students -Contact CEO Jeff DiTullio
Anheuser-Busch Brewery ChemE Job
- Therefore, anyone interested in applying for these jobs should send their resume ASAP to Bryan Sullivan Assistant Brewmaster Brewing Ambassador Los Angeles Brewery Anheuser-Busch, Inc. -email address.
California Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
- Students studying Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math will receive between $1,500 and $2,000 to conduct research projects on the UCLA campus. -Application window Oct 11 – December 1, 2010
Laserfiche Infosession hosted by ACT
- -Laserfiche Infosession, hosted by ACT -When: Wednesday, October 27 @ 6 PM -Where: BH 4760
Andreessen Horowitz InfoSession hosted by UPE
- Tuesday, October 26 5:00pm – 6:00pm Boelter Hall, Room 4760
Department of Commerce EE and CS Internships for Spring 2011
- -Computer science, computer engineering, telecommunications or mathematics (one internship for an undergraduate student) -Electrical or electronic engineering (one internship for a graduate student) -APPLICATION DEADLINE IS 15 NOVEMBER 2010
Tech Coast Angels Mentorship Program application
- The Tech Coast Angels (TCA) is currently accepting applications for their Mentorship Program through the UCLA Office of Intellectual Property (OIP). -Deadline November 1, 2010
Deloitte Information Session
- -When: Thursday, October 21st from 6:30–7:30pm -Where: Grand Horizons Ballroom in Covel Commons -RSVP is required for this event, please visit:
Cognizant Media & Entertainment IT Consulting Division—Information Session hosted by ACT
- ACT Cognizant Media & Entertainment IT Consulting Division—Information Session When: Monday, October 18th, 2010 Where: MS 5148 Time: 6:00 pm -8:00 pm Pizza & Refreshments will be served
ARM Infosession, hosted by HKN
- * ARM Infosession, hosted by HKN * When: Thursday October 21 @ 6 PM Where: Engr IV 57-124 (Maxwell Room)
Sandia National Lab: Critical Skills Master’s Program (CSMP)
- Critical Skills Master’s Program (CSMP) -An opportunity for bachelor-level graduates to receive a M.S. degree.
Sandia National Lab: Master’s Fellowship
- Master’s Fellowship Program (MFP) -Intended to support historically underrepresented students pursue a Master’s Degree)
Sandia National Lab: Truman PhD Fellowship
- President Harry S. Truman Fellowship -Opportunity for new PhD students (see attachment for details)
ConocoPhillips MAE, MatSci, & ChemE Summer Internships
- -Application deadline for UCLA on campus interviews is Tuesday October 19, 2010
Civil and Environmental Engineering Career Exposition
- The American Society of Civil Engineers will be hosting a Career Exposition. When: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Time: 11 am – 2:30 pm Where: Ackerman 2nd Floor Lounge (Ackerman 2414)
Shimmick Construction & Turner Construction Information Session hosted by ASCE
- Shimmick Construction Information Session (Hosted by ASCE) Date: Wednesday, October 20 Time: 6:30pm Location: Boelter Penthouse Turner Construction Information Session (Hosted by ASCE) Date: Thursday, October 21 Time: 6:30pm Location: Boelter Penthouse
speakTech Associate Developer Position for CS and EE graduating seniors
- -speakTECH is looking to hire an Associate Developer. -Resume deadline for UCLA students is 10/26 and they will be interviewing on campus on 11/5. -Apply through the UCLA Career Center
Hulu Infosession hosted by Linux Users Group
- Hulu Infosession hosted by Linux Users Group When: Monday, Oct 18th, 6:00pm Where: 4760 Boelter Hall
Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley Information Session hosted by UPE
- Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Location: Boelter Hall 4760 Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Amgen Tech Jobs InfoSession hosted by HKN
- * Amgen Infosession hosted by HKN* Date: Thursday, October 14 @ 6PM Location: Engr IV 57-124 (Maxwell Room) The Information Systems department at Amgen is seeking applicants for two different opportunities as an IS Associate or IS Senior Associate for the following positions: * Programmer Analyst * Business Systems Analyst
ACT Fall Career Fair
- ACT Fall Career Fair Come to meet great companies and find out what they do in an informal and relaxed setting. Dress well and bring your resumes for full time or internship opportunities. Thursday October 14th 2010 Ackerman Union Second Floor Lounge 10 am – 3 pm
Edwards Lifescience Engineering New Grad Program
- Edwards Lifesciences would like to invite HSSEAS students to submit their resume for consideration for one of the engineering New Grad programs with their company. Edwards will be coming to the UCLA campus and the resume deadline for the on campus interviews is 10/18/10.
Disney Systems Adminstrator Position for EE & CS Gradautes
- Please apply at The Walt Disney Studios is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
NASA DEVELOP Student Internships at JPL
- -Pasadena, CA -Spring applications must be postmarked by November 15, 2011. Applications are available through our website ( -Summer applications must be postmarked by February 28, 2011. -For more information, contact: Katrina Laygo Student Director DEVELOP | JPL National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Accenture InfoSession hosted by ACT
- -The time of the event is Monday, 10/11 from 6 – 8 PM The location is at: Boelter Hall 4760
Guess Data Warehouse ETL Programmer
- -downtown Los Angeles -send resume/cover letter to Bruin Alumnus, Bruce Yen ( -also apply online at
Guess Net Developer
- -downtown Los Angeles -Send resume/cover letter to Bruin Alumni, Bruce Yen ( -Also need to apply online at
Center for Digital Humanities Student Programmer
- -UCLA campus -CS students
Procter & Gamble Summer 2011 Internships for Doctoral Students
- RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT – DOCTORAL SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The Program Each year, we have 20 to 25 summer intern openings for students pursuing PhD’s in chemistry, most areas of life sciences, chemical engineering, statistics, toxicology, and regulatory and clinical personnel, including future MD’s, DVM’s, DDS’s, and PharmD’s.
Procter & Gamble Information Session
- -Tuesday October 5, 2:30 – 3:15 at Mol Sci 3440
Procter & Gamble How to Apply Guide
- -for Chemical Engineering students
Microsoft Meet and Greet hosted by by ACM & ACT
- Microsoft “Meet the Company Event”! Learn about the Cool Technologies That You Could Develop, How to Prepare Yourself to Land a Job at Microsoft, And what it’s like to Live and Work in the Seattle Area! What? Microsoft Meet the Company When? Thursday, October 7th @ 6:30pm Where? Boelter 4760 Bring your resume for a chance to win an HD Zune! See you there! Brought to you by ACM & ACT!
Frito Lay Infosession hosted by SWE
- November 23 – Frito Lay Infosession + “Interviewing Skills and Speed Interveiws” 6-7:30PM Boelter 5800 (ESUC Lounge)
Boeing Infosession hosted by SWE
- October 28 – Boeing Infosession + “Business Ettiquette” 6-7PM in Boelter Penthouse
T-Mobile Infosession hosted by SWE
- October 14 – T-Mobile Infosession + “Resume Writing” 6-7PM in Boelter 5800 (ESUC Lounge)
Intel Infosession hosted by SWE & HKN
- October 12 – Intel Infosession 6-7PM in Rice Room 6764 Boelter Hall
Souther California Edison Information Session
- Institute Of Environment Information Session: Southern California Edison & The Environment Energy Analyst Rotation Program October 5, 2010 4-5 PM at LaKretz Hall, Room 300 Applications accepted until October 17, via BruinView
Yahoo Info Session hosted by ESUC
- Yahoo Info Session hosted by ESUC Date: Thursday October 14, 2010 Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm Place: Boelter Hall, Penthouse (8th Floor)
LACMA CS Database Intership
QUALCOMM Engineering Week @ UCLA
- -Office Hours/Resume Drop, Oct. 5-7th 2010 1:30-4pm, Eng IV Rm 58-116 -Research & Development Tech Talk, Oct. 5, 2010 6pm, Eng IV 54-134
Northrop Grumman Speed Networking Event
- Monday, October 4th, 2010 6:00pm-8:00pm Boelter Hall, Rice Room, 6764 RSVP Required to
Missile Defense Agency Jobs for Engineers
- -Huntsville, AL
Missile Defense Agency Jobs for Engineers
- -Missile Defense Agency – 100 new graduate hires every six months for Bachelor/Master/PhD engineers, physicists, applied math, MBAs (finance and accountancy and contracts), Bachelor/Master Logisticians and Foreign Affairs. -Paul O. Summer is the Human Resources Recruiter for the Missile Defense Agency (MDA)in Huntsville AL
September 2010 Archive
September 2010 Archive
National Nuclear Security Administration Future Leaders Program
- Position Types -General Engineer/Physical Scientist -Electrical Engineer -Fire Protection Engineer -Financial Specialist -Program Analyst -Security Specialist -Information Technology Specialist The application period will be open until October 23, 2010.
Verizon Wireless Network Leadership Development Program for EE & CS seniors
- -Are you a graduating EE or CS student? -Looking for a job after graduation in June 2011?
UCLA Daily Bruin Internship for CS & MAE Students
August 2010 Archive
August 2010 Archive
UCLA Anderson School Student Programmer
Google Unix System/Application Administrator
- This position is based in Mountain View, CA
Google Software Engineer
- This position can be based in San Francisco, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Pittsburgh, PA; New York, NY or Kirkland/Seattle, WA.
CA Gov. Supervising Oil & Gas Engineer
CA Gov. Senior Oil & Gas Engineer
- -Bakersfield, Coalinga, Cypress, Sacramento, Santa Maria, & Ventura
IP Assistant Clerk at Law Firm
- -Santa Monica, CA
EE & CS Undergraduate Research Paid Internship
- -On campus at Center for Advanced Surgical and Interventional Technology (CASIT)
Symantec CS & EE Interhsip
- -Core Research Lab, Culver City, CA
Aneeve Technologies Paid Internship
- -Looking for Materials Science and Electrical Engineering students. -On campus at CNSI.
July 2010 Archive
July 2010 Archive
June 2010 Archive
June 2010 Archive
Public Works Civil Engineering Internship
- City of Rancho Palos Verdes
MICRONOR Engineering Internship
- Newbury Park, CA 91320
OTOPAYNE Inc. Web Development Internship for CS and EE students
Northrop Grumman MAE, CS, & EE Internship
- Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Sector, located in Azusa, AA
May 2010 Archive
May 2010 Archive
Relief International Web Design and Development Intern
Intel Sales and Marketing Rotational Engineer Intern Program
GE Capital Internship – Construction and Development
- Urgent Deadline: Monday May 17, 2010
GE Capital Internship – Engineering and Environmental Programs
- Urgent Deadline: Monday May 17, 2010
Student Programmer – UCLA Anderson School Computing
4 Altera Software and IP Engineering Positions
April 2010 Archive
March 2010 Archive
February 2010 Archive
2009 – 2015 Archives
2015 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2014 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2013 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2012 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2011 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2010 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive
2009 Internship/ Jobs Announcements Archive