Petition Process for UCLA Samueli Engineering Undergraduates
Students submitting petitions to the Associate Dean for review must present legible, clearly stated requests. These requests must be based on logical and academically meaningful reasons. Some requests might require additional support in the form of supplemental documentation.
NOTE: Petitions do NOT have a guarantee of approval. Please plan accordingly in the event that your request is denied.
Submission: Petitions and supporting documentation must be filed online. OASA no longer accepts hard copies of documents. The Submission Portal can be found below.
Review Period: OASA reviews all petitions on Thursday mornings. To be included in that week’s review, you will need to submit all documentation by Wednesday at noon. If submitted beyond this time, your request will be rolled over into the following week’s review.
Expected Wait Time: Students should expect a decision to be made within 1-2 weeks. This decision will be sent to you via Message Center.
Dashew Forms
Students who need any Dashew forms signed by an Academic Counselor must submit the form to our Petitions Queue within Message Center.
Submission and Processing
Please review Dashew’s Documents & Forms webpage for additional information.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Double Major or Add a Minor
1) ALL STUDENTS LOOKING TO ADD AN ENGINEERING MINOR – requests to add the Bioinformatics, Data Science, or Environmental Engineering will be accepted once a quarter, effective Fall 2024. Please follow the instructions listed within:
2) ENGINEERING STUDENTS ONLY – requests to add a non-engineering minor or double major can be submitted through the Submission Portal linked above and do not have to follow the procedure specific to the Data Science Engineering, Bioinformatics, and Environmental Engineering. At a minimum, students will be required to have at least a 3.000 GPA and be in good academic standing for their request to be considered.
Requests to add a minor or double major must be submitted no later than two quarters prior to their degree expected term. As an example, if you are a Spring 2025 degree candidate the latest you can apply to add a minor or double major to your student records will be the Fall 2024 quarter.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Request to Double Major or Add Minor
Additional required form for Bioinformatics, Data Science Engineering, or Environmental Engineering requests: Program Change Petition
The quarterly course plan isn’t optional. You will need to provide a multiyear plan for all courses to be taken in your primary major and in the secondary major/minor.
Please note that part of this submission requirement is a 1-2 paragraph summary which expands on why you’re looking to add a double major or minor to your student records. The length of this summary should be at least one paragraph, it doesn’t need to be more extensive than that. Usual reasons include academic interest or an alignment with your future career goals. This summary can be written within the body of your Message Center submission.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Enrolling in a Graduate Level Course
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering undergraduate students are not allowed to enroll in graduate level courses without first obtaining School approval by petition (see Submission and Processing for further instructions).
Students must meet the course requisites and have at minimum a 3.000 GPA for approval consideration. Other considerations are good academic standing, average of a B grade (or better) in the prior quarter.
Students must demonstrate consistent degree progress toward their current major. It is possible that students who have a large number of remaining lower division coursework will be denied approval for graduate level course enrollment. You should prioritize completing your lower division requirements and any core requirements for your major FIRST.
If approved, then obtain a PTE number from the Instructor.
*Departmental Scholars do not need to petition for enrollment in graduate courses. You will still need to obtain a PTE from the listed instructor.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the Graduate Course. Note whether or not you intend to take this class to satisfy a degree requirement (e.g., an elective) or if you’re taking it for excess units (e.g., for fun, academic interest, it aligns with your career goals, etc.).
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here. If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Enrolling in Excess Units
Over 21 units – Fall, Winter, and Spring
Over 16 units – Summer Sessions
New students must establish a UCLA GPA and be in good academic standing to be considered for excess units.
For continuing students, you must be in good academic standing and meet the requisites for the proposed courses. In order to verify your ability to manage excess units, the proposed study list submitted must be comparable to courseloads that you have successfully completed in the past. For example, if your proposed study list includes high numbers of STEM heavy coursework, you must have completed a quarter of coursework with a similarly STEM heavy workload successfully.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Excess Study List Petition
Ensure to sign and date the form. In the section titled, “Quarter”, please list the quarter you’re requesting for excess units.
Submit the form here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Enrolling in Less than 12 Units
If you need less than 12 units to graduate, confirm with one of our Degree Auditors.
For personal or family reasons, please see a Counselor FIRST before submitting this petition.
Work and medical related reasons will require verification. Examples of this verification include:
A doctor’s note
A letter from your employer confirming that your weekly work hours are 20 hours or more.
For information on the Samueli policy and process for fee reduction consideration, please visit our Fee Reduction webpage.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to indicate which quarter you’re requesting <12 units for and the courses you have planned out for that quarter.
Since petitions aren’t guaranteed, a compelling reason should be given to justify why an exception should be made.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form and any supplemental attachments here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Exception to Grading Basis
These petitions are rarely, if ever, approved for Engineering Courses. Engineering courses that are listed as Letter Grade Only must be taken for Letter Grade. This is the School’s policy and won’t can’t be changed through Petition or Appeal. It is also the School’s policy that degree requirements must be taken for Letter Grade.
For Engineering students: The ONLY courses that may be taken for Pass/No Pass are General Education (GE) courses or courses taken for excess units. The courses taken for excess units must also list Pass/No Pass as a grading option and can’t be part of your degree requirements. You are limited to 5 units of Pass/No Pass units per quarter (essentially 1 GE course). If you weren’t enrolled in any Pass/No Pass units the previous quarter you can petition to enroll in an additional Pass/No Pass course the subsequent quarter (maximum 10 units).
For Non-Engineering students: If you enroll in an Engineering Course (even if it’s for general interest and not to satisfy a degree requirement), if it’s listed as Letter Grade Only you won’t be able to switch the grading basis. Please consider this when enrolling in Engineering Courses.
This request generally applies to Non-Engineering courses. Please keep in mind that other Departments, such as MGMT, also have courses which are listed as Letter Grade Only. For these courses, we won’t be able to switch the grading basis, it will be up to the discretion of that Department to allow the course to be taken under an alternative grading basis. Additional information related to Pass/No Pass grading policies can be found on our Enrollment Policies webpage.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned. Please specify which grading basis the course is currently being taken for Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass. This form will also be required if you’re petitioning to enroll in 2 Pass/No Pass courses the same quarter.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course’s grading basis should be changed.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Extend a Grade of Incomplete
Extension of “I” grades are rarely approved. If you believe you have a special circumstance that requires an extension then please be sure to submit your request BEFORE the grade of I lapses into an F.
We advise that students review the general guidelines regarding “I” grades listed within our FAQ webpage.
Submission and Processing
Required form: University Petition (Blue)
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number, which quarters you were enrolled in the course, and the reason you were unable to complete the work on time. If you’re working with a specific Counselor to resolve this issue, please indicate who you’ve been working with in your Message Center request.
Please provide verification of your reason, if appropriate (e.g., A note or email from the Instructor). Submit the completed form and any supplemental attachment(s) here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions Our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
General Education Requirement
We recommend that students visit our General Education and Writing Requirements webpage for additional information.
On this webpage you can find a list of:
Currently approved GEs
Suggested GE tracks
Courses that satisfy the Writing I Requirement
Courses that satisfy the Engineering Writing and Ethics requirement.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned (e.g., ART HIS 20). Please specify which GE category this course should fulfill.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course should satisfy this degree requirement.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here. If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Late Enrollment
Please note that Instructor approval will be required for all late addition requests. You can find further information under the tab titled, Submission and Processing Information.
We recommend that students refer to our Deadlines and Enrollment Policies webpage for additional information.
Be mindful of your unit total for the quarter. If the late addition to your study list will put you over 21 units for the quarter (i.e., Engineering’s unit cap), your request will require an additional document.
Submission and Processing
Required form(s):
Internal HSSEAS Petition
Registrar’s Enrollment Petition
If this request will put you over 21 units for the quarter, please fill out and attach our Excess Study List Petition as well.
Within the form(s) you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course you’re requesting to late add to your study list. You’ll also want to include why you missed the add deadline.
Within the Registrar’s form, Instructor approval will be required. This can be acquired either through email confirmation or through a signature on the Registrar’s form. For email confirmation, ensure that your name, UID, the requested course, and the Instructor’s approval are visible within.
Once the form(s) have been filled out, ensure that you have signed and dated the documents (where indicated). Submit the completed form(s) here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Late Drop
Engineering strictly enforces the impacted and non-impacted course deadlines as listed on our Deadlines and Enrollment Policies webpage.
Students should continue to attend class until a decision has been given.
For personal or family reasons, it is highly recommended that you speak with an Academic Counselor FIRST.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course you are requesting to drop. You’ll also want to include why you missed the drop deadline. For extenuating circumstances, such as work or medical reasons, please include supplemental documentation.
Examples of supplemental documentation include:
Medical verification such as a doctor’s note
A letter from your employer verifying your work hours and employment
Since petitions aren’t guaranteed, a compelling reason should be given to justify why an exception should be made.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form and any supplemental attachments here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Major Elective
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned for (e.g., COM SCI 188). Please specify the quarter you completed, or plan to complete this course.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course should satisfy this degree requirement. It may help to also list the other electives you have completed or plan to complete. This way we have a sense of your plans.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Major Required Course Substitution
Substitutions for required courses are RARELY approved.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number for the required course AND the course you want to use as a substitute. Please specify the quarter you completed, or plan to complete the substitute.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the substitute should satisfy this degree requirement.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Minor Elective
(only for Bioinformatics, Data Science Engineering, and Environmental Engineering)
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned for (e.g., COM SCI 188). Please specify the quarter you completed, or plan to complete this course.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course should satisfy this degree requirement. It may help to also list the other electives you have completed or plan to complete. This way we have a sense of your plans.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Science and Technology (computer science major only)
Current CS Science and Technology (Sci-Tech) Options
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned for (e.g., DGT HUM 150). Please specify the quarter you completed, or plan to complete this course. You should also list the other two courses that will complete your Sci-Tech requirement.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course should satisfy this degree requirement, and how it relates to the area you’ve declared.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Technical Breadth Elective
Make sure you’ve declared your technical breadth area via MyEngineering.
Please refer to our Technical Breadth Area webpage for additional information.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number of the course being petitioned for (e.g., DGT HUM 150). Please specify the quarter you completed, or plan to complete this course. You should also list the other two courses that will complete your Technical Breadth requirement.
Petitions aren’t guaranteed. Your request will have a higher likelihood of being approved if you provide academic justification as to why the course should satisfy this degree requirement, and how it relates to the area you’ve declared.
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
If available, please include an outline or course syllabus as well.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
To Receive Credit for Courses Taken while Under Dismissal
You must be in good academic standing before requesting credit for courses taken while under dismissal.
Submission and Processing
Required form: University Petition (Blue)
Within the form you’ll want to list the schools attended and the terms in which you attended them.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
To Repeat a Course More than Once
Prior to submitting this request, we strongly advise that you review with UCLA’s repeat rule.
These requests will only considered for review if:
- The course you are requesting to repeat is a Major Required Course (e.g., COM SCI 181).
- The course you are attempting to repeat received a grade of “F” on your first and second time attempt taking the course.
Submission and Processing
Required form: University Petition (Blue)
Within the form you’ll want to list the course to be repeated and the terms in which the course was previously taken.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
To Restore Credit for a Course Due to a Sequence Violation
Discuss this with your Academic Counselor BEFORE submitting this petition.
Submission and Processing
Required form: University Petition (Blue)
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number. You will also need to attach a supplemental document which shows approval from the department with the sequence rule (e.g., Math).
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Waive Units or Course
Please discuss this with an Academic Counselor BEFORE submitting a petition.
Submission and Processing
Required form: Internal HSSEAS Petition
Within the form you’ll want to list the Department & Course Number (e.g., COM SCI 1) OR the requirement of the course to be waived (e.g., lower division MATH).
Once the form has been filled out, ensure that you have signed, dated, and initialed the document (where indicated). Submit the completed form here.
Estimated response time: Students should expect a verdict via Message Center within 1-2 weeks. This timeline varies based on where we’re at in the quarter, the volume of petitions our Office receives that week, and the request itself. Although, students should expect a response closer to the 1-week mark.
Withdrawing from a Term (In-Progress or Retroactively)
Once the quarter has begun and fees have been paid, you may withdraw (drop all of your classes) from a Fall, Winter, or Spring quarter provided that you have not completed the work in any course taken that term. Please be aware that dropping all courses online through MyUCLA does not constitute an official withdrawal from the term.
As an added note, for students attempting to withdraw from the current quarter we highly advise that you speak with an Academic Counselor FIRST before submitting the Workflow.
Please refer to the Registrar’s Withdrawal Webpage for additional information.
Additional Points for Consideration
1) If you are an international student on a visa, please consult the Dashew Center for International Students & Scholars (DCISS) before submitting a withdrawal form.
2) If you are receiving financial aid, you should consult with UCLA’s Financial Aid Office with any concerns relating to refunds or repayment of money, if such issues are relevant to your situation.
Submission and Processing
The Withdrawal Notice is submitted to and reviewed by the student’s College or School, or the Division of Graduate Education, for validity of information and to establish the conditions for readmission or continuation. Detailed instructions are included within the form. The student is automatically notified of the College/School’s decision.
Withdrawing on or before Friday of Week 9 of the term you wish to withdraw from, submit your withdrawal request here.
Withdrawing after Friday of Week 9 of the current term or from a previous term, you will also need to submit verification from your instructors confirming that you did not attempt or complete the final exam, paper, or project for their course. Along with the withdrawal notice form, please also include a signed Withdrawal Supplement Form OR a PDF/JPG of email(s) from your instructor(s) verifying the following information:
1) Which course the student is enrolled in?
2) Did the student complete all the required coursework and/or did they complete the final exam, paper, project, or assignment?
If you choose to submit emails as verification, please note that the answers to the above listed questions must be explicitly stated. Your withdrawal request will not be submitted for review without this explicit confirmation. We recommend that you cut and paste the listed questions and include them in your individual email requests to your instructors.
Once you’ve obtained instructor verification (if applicable) and are ready to submit your withdrawal, please direct your request here.