We highly recommend that you attend a Change of Major Workshop.
Change of Major workshops are regularly scheduled throughout the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. Our Workshops will give you a comprehensive overview of our Change of Major process.
The Change of Major Workshops for Winter 2025 are currently active.
For non-engineering students who have questions on our Change of Major process and want to meet with an Academic Counselor within OASA:
For the Fall, Winter, and Spring academic terms, you will be required to attend a Change of Major Workshop FIRST before we will be able to assist you in our Drop-In Advising Sessions. You are free to send us a message through Message Center, but for Drop-In Advising access we will require you to attend a Workshop. Once a Workshop has been attended you are free to see us during any of our drop-in advising sessions.
This restriction isn’t applied during the Summer Sessions as we don’t host Change of Major Workshops during this time period.
Q: What are my chances of getting in?
Q: What do I do if I my major started me in the CHEM 14 series and not the CHEM 20 series?
Q: How do I enroll in engineering courses if I am not in an engineering major?
All these questions (and more) are answered within this FAQ webpage.
Spring 2025 Application Opens
When and How to Apply
(please read through each tab for additional information)
Application Periods for the 2024 – 2025 Academic School Year
Applications will be reviewed in the quarter in which they are submitted based on the previous grades. Submit the paperwork with this in mind. If you meet eligibility with your Winter grades, submit the forms during the Spring application period.
Fall 2024 Application Period
Application Opens:
Monday, September 30 at 8am
Application Closes:
Friday, October 11th at 5pm
Winter 2025 Application Period
Application Opens:
Monday, January 6th at 8am
Application Closes:
Friday, January 17th at 5pm
Spring 2025 Application Period
Application Opens:
Monday, March 31 at 8am
Application Closes:
Friday, April 11 at 5pm
Summer 2025 Application Period
The date range for Summer’s application will be finalized and posted during the Spring quarter.
Available Majors and Minors offered within the School of Engineering
11 Majors
To best understand the requirements for engineering majors and the competitiveness of the change of major process, become familiar with the HSSEAS requirements. Requirements that can be found in the Engineering Announcement or at Engineering Undergraduate Curricular Requirements and Department Information.
Click on the majors to see a short introduction to the department given by the chair/vice chair
- Aerospace Engineering
- Bioengineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering (Joint major between Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering Departments)
- Computer Science
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
(Students may not apply to change majors to Undeclared Engineering)
Not sure which engineering major to choose?
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics – Occupational Outlook Handbook with example Engineering Jobs and descriptions
- UCLA Career Center FOCUS 2 (through Handshake) – Career Assessment Tool to identify your work interests, personality, skills, values, and generates a list of occupations that match as well as connecting them back to UCLA Majors. This can be accessed through Handshake. It is located under the Career Center tab>Resources.
- UCLA MyMajors – after completing this assessment, you will receive a list of your best-fit majors at UCLA
3 Minors
All minors require that at least 20 units be unique to the minor and not counting towards any other major or minor.
The process to apply for one of our Engineering Minors has been updated, effective Fall 2024. In order to apply for one of these minors, please follow the process listed under our Apply – Engineering Minor webpage.
For L&S students who will be at 150 total units (or more) at the time you apply, your request will take additional time to review. This additional time will be contingent on approval from your home Counseling Unit (e.g., CAC, AAP, Honors, etc.).
- Submit Application Materials
- Notification and Processing
- Adding a Double Major or Minor to an Engineering Major
- Changing Majors to a Non-Engineering major
Your application will be DENIED if you do not complete steps 1-3. Please read the instructions carefully.
To submit a change of major request, complete the following steps (only available during the Application Period):
STEP 1: Complete the MyUCLA Forms Survey
This questionnaire will only be active during the Application Period (Application Period(s) listed on the same webpage). DO NOT complete UNTIL you know the final grades from the pervious term. For example, if you are submitting an application in the Spring 2023 Quarter, you will need to know your final grades from the Winter 2023 quarter. This survey will contain questions related to Prep Courses and the grades received in those Courses. This is Step 1.
STEP 2: Complete Undergraduate Program Change Petition
Be sure to complete this editable PDF. DO NOT fill in any sections listed under, “OFFICE USE ONLY”. Once completed, save the file as a pdf, and name it using your 9-digit UCLA ID (e.g., 123456789.pdf). This is step 2. At this point, the Survey should be completed, and you should have completed the Undergraduate Program Change Petition (reminder that everything listed under “OFFICE USE ONLY” should be blank). Please see Step 3 for instructions on how to submit the Program Change Petition.
STEP 3: Submit Reason for Applying and Attach the Undergraduate Program Change Petition to the Change of Major Queue
(This queue will only be active during the Application Period)
The link will take you to our Office’s Change of Major Submissions Queue within Message Center. Note near the bottom of the page, there will be a button that says, “Add Attachment“. This is where you should add the pdf you saved (i.e., Step 2). Please remember that the saved name for your Program Change Petition should be your UID (e.g., 123456789.pdf)
Subject line: Please state the Major you are applying for. This means, if you are applying for Computer Science, your subject line should state, “Computer Science”.
Message: Please provide 1-2 paragraphs on why you wish to change your major (e.g., academic interest, new major aligns with your career goals, you found a passion for this field, etc.).
In most cases, you will be sent a message with the results of your change of major request by approximately the end of week 4-5 of the quarter. (Some decisions may be delayed if there are a high volume of petitions and/or additional time is needed to thoroughly review each case.) Read this message carefully.
- Students who are approved a change of major will follow the catalog year requirements in the effective term they entered the NEW major (e.g. for a change of major effective Winter 2018, you will follow ALL requirements of the 2017-18 catalog).
- Students may petition to follow the previous catalog year that was in effect from their previous major on a case by case basis.
Meanwhile: What about enrolling for the next quarter?
- While awaiting a decision on your change of major request, enroll in any Math, Science, Computing or GE course for which you meet the prerequisite(s) and that is open to your present major. Keep in mind, your change of major is not guaranteed. You are advised to explore other back up major options.
- You should look in the Engineering Announcement for the courses required for your major of interest.
Adding a minor or second major must be requested for consideration no later than 2 quarters before degree completion. Junior transfer students admitted to a major outside of Engineering (e.g. Math), are not eligible for change of major or double major consideration with an Engineering major because of the competitiveness of admissions.
- A student whose current major is in the College of Letters & Science would need to meet the eligibility requirements as described below to change their primary major to Engineering and then request to add double major.
- Double majors involving two majors within Engineering is not allowed (e.g. Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science) For double majors, your primary major must be in Engineering and the other must be a major outside Engineering (e.g. Aerospace Engineering and Math of Computation).
- If requesting Majors and minors housed in the College of Letters and Science, please note that those departments may not approve you once you have 150+ units completed.
- If you are already in an Engineering Major
- Meet with 2nd major/minor department advisor. Are there any minimum course or grade requirements required before you can declare?
- Submit a quarter by quarter course plan to our Message Center Petition Queue to add a major or minor to your program. Pay attention to requisites, as well as tentative or past course offerings when making your plan. You t have to know every course, but you should be able to put in required courses and at least specify, Elective, Tech Breadth, etc.
- Once you meet the eligibility requirements for your 2nd major or minor and you have your pre-approval from OASA, then submit an Undergraduate program change form signed by the department of your 2nd major or minor. This form should be submitted to our Petition Queue as well.
It is helpful to notify an Engineering counselor of your intent to change majors. This is more of a courtesy, but if there are any complications we have the note that you are in the middle of changing majors and can help resolve things quickly.
- Meeting the minimum criteria explained below does not guarantee approval but gives you your best chance for a successful change of major.
- The Earliest a Freshman admitted student may apply is after completing a minimum of two quarters (note that it may take longer to meet requirements for Com Sci, Com Sci & Engr, or Com Engr. See additional requirements below)
- The Latest a Freshman admitted student may apply is weeks 1 and 2 of Fall Quarter of their third year. (This is based on your grades through your 2nd year; you must meet the minimum eligibility no later than the end summer of your 2nd (sophomore) year. This includes requests within the same department like from CSE to CS.)
- Normally only one change of major to an Engineering major will be approved. Students are encouraged to research the various engineering disciplines thoroughly before filing for a change of major.
Junior Transfer Students
Students admitted to UCLA as junior level transfers are not eligible for a change of major because of the competitiveness of admissions. Additionally, students admitted to the College of Letters & Science as transfer students are not eligible to add a double major in any Engineering discipline. Junior-level transfer students to the College may consider one of our three engineering minors (Bioinformatics, Data Science Engineering, Environmental Engineering).
Engineering transfer students who are interested in double majoring with a major outside of Engineering or adding a minor to their current program should review the petition process outlined at our petition page under “Double Major or Add a Minor.”
Undeclared Engineering Majors
Being an Undeclared Engineering student means you are guaranteed the Engineering major of your choice if you meet the following criteria:
- Declare your major between the beginning of Spring quarter of your freshman year and the beginning of Fall quarter of your sophomore year. This would after completing at least two quarters at UCLA with engineering workloads from the preparatory course list posted HERE.
- Have a minimum 2.700 GPA in Engineering preparatory courses at the time you declare.
- Receive grades of C or better in all required major prep courses for the major in which you are interested.
- Take and pass an introductory engineering course from the major you are mostly likely to choose, or take and pass an Engineering 96 Freshman Seminar – Introduction to Engineering Design.
Students applying to Computer Science or Computer Science and Engineering must also complete COM SCI 31 with a C or better (not a C-) on the first attempt AND COM SCI 32 and 33 with a B- grades or better on the first attempt. Students applying to Computer Engineering must complete COM SCI 31 and EC ENGR 3 with a grade of C or better on the first attempt AND COM SCI 32 and EC ENGR M16/COM SCI M51A with a B- or better on the first attempt.
This guarantee only applies toward the first major change. Any subsequent major changes are not guaranteed; therefore make sure you are applying for a major in which you are genuinely interested.
1) Enroll in an Engineering Workload
For students who have completed all Math courses listed on our prep chart [for the major you are applying for], you’ll need to send a message into [MyUCLA Message Center] to your intended department’s [queue] requesting alternative course planning options [in order to satisfy the engineering workload requirement].
What is an Engineering Workload?
For current Non-Engineering Students working towards changing their major, an Engineering Workload is going to consist of:
1) You must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units per term.
2) You must be enrolled in at least one (1) Math and one (1) science/Engineering course from our linked list of prep courses.
Current Engineering Students should already be enrolling in an Engineering Workload and most often will be enrolling in additional major courses.
When can you apply as a Non-Engineering Student?
For current Non-Engineering students:
First year students may apply after completing at least two (2) quarters that meet an Engineering Workload.
Second year students may apply after completing at least three (3) quarters that meet an Engineering Workload.
2) Meet the minimum GPA requirement. The required GPA varies by requested Department. Your GPA is going to be calculated based on the Prep Courses you completed.
Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering
The Preparatory GPA Requirement for these majors is 3.700 for students admitted to UCLA in Fall 2025 or later. For students admitted prior to Fall 2025, we will honor the previously held preparatory GPA requirement of 3.5.
Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering
The Preparatory GPA Requirement for these majors is 3.500
Electrical Engineering
The Preparatory GPA Requirement for Electrical Engineering is a 3.400.
Civil Engineering and Materials Engineering
The Preparatory GPA Requirement for Civil Engineering and Materials Engineering is 3.000
Additional requirements for requests to CS, CSE, CE
Applicants to the Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Computer Science & Engineering majors must have ALSO completed the all courses with a minimum grade indicated below and they must have earned the minimum grade or better on the first attempt in those courses. (Repeat grades will not be considered). These are firm requirements.
Please note that CS 35L and upper division Computer Science courses are not considered prep courses for the purpose of applying to the Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering or Computer Engineering majors. If you choose to take these courses before being accepted to a Computer Science major, we will include the grades you earned in these classes as part of your prep GPA calculation, regardless of whether or not it will improve it.
COM SCI 31 | COM SCI 32 | COM SCI 33 | EC ENGR 3 | EC ENGR M16/ COM SCI M51A | |
Computer Engineering | B- | B- | B- | B- | |
Computer Science | B- | B- | B- | ||
Computer Science & Engineering | B- | B- | B- |
Grades in bold type are effective Winter 2025 for all applicants. For students who completed COM SCI 31 and/or EC ENGR 3 prior to Winter 2025, we will honor the previous minimum grade of C or better.
For all students applying to an Engineering major, please note the following:
For current non-engineering students working towards a change of major this is a hard GPA requirement to ensure a successful transition to taking 3-4 Engineering courses a quarter. We highly recommend that you take the minimum Engineering workload described above and no more to give the space to build strong foundation skills as well as give you your best chances at a successful change of major.
For current engineering majors, this is not a hard GPA requirement based on the work you already did to be admitted to Engineering, however you must demonstrate at minimum:
1) Good academic standing with 2.000 or higher in term and cumulative GPA and “C” or better in each of your courses in your most recent completed quarter
2) Show grades of B’s or better in most of your engineering and major prep course work
- For courses taken Spring 2020 – Summer 2021, we will consider P grades to meet change of major requirements. However, P/NP grades do not factor into the prep GPA, so you must have taken at least 1 course for Letter Grade by Fall 2021 to meet the minimum GPA requirement for the major to which you are applying.
- As of Fall 2021, all Engineering majors are required to take all major courses for Letter Grade.
- Effective Winter 2022, for non-engineering majors, if you are taking courses to meet the Engineering workload and Prep GPA requirements as detailed below, plan to take them for a Letter Grade, even if your current department/college allows you choose Pass/NoPass.
- Frequently Asked Questions by College of Letters and Science students who are interested in changing majors into UCLA Samueli School of Engineering.