Academic Advising Options
Campus has returned to in-person instruction. Please refer to UCLA’s Newsroom for pertinent campus updates and resources.
Weekly Drop-In Advising
TUESDAY 9am-11am
WEDNESDAY 10am-12pm
THURSDAY 2pm-4pm
Current Engineering Students
Students Wishing to Declare a Minor Offered by UCLA's School of Engineering
Bioinformatics, Data Science Engineering, and Environmental Engineering are the three minors housed within the School of Engineering.
If you’re looking to add one of these three minors to your student records, please utilize our drop-in advising sessions. MyUCLA won’t allow you to schedule a 1-on-1 appointment since we are not your primary College Counseling Unit. This rule does not apply to current students within the School of Engineering who are looking to add one of these three minors, as you are able to access the Appointments option within MyUCLA (linked above).
Note: The application process specific to declare one of these three minors has changed, effective Fall 2024. Please refer to our Minor Application webpage for additional information. Your application will be denied if you do not follow the outlined procedure.
You can also write us a message through Message Center. Message Center is a service accessible through MyUCLA. Current non-engineering students have the ability to submit questions to our Undergraduate Academic Counselors via Message Center.
MyUCLA’s Message Center is the best way to communicate with our advising staff. Here you can ask general questions, submit petitions for review, and inquire on future course planning. In order to direct your message to the most appropriate party, please filter your selection. You can filter your search to find a specific Academic counseling unit (e.g., Bioengineering), or for a specific Topic (e.g., Petitions/Exceptions: HSSEAS (Engineering)).
Options for Non-Engineering Students
For students NOT within the School of Engineering:
Please utilize our drop-in advising sessions. MyUCLA won’t allow you to schedule an individual appointment since we are not your primary College Counseling Unit.
You can also write us a message through Message Center. Message Center is a service accessible through MyUCLA. Current non-engineering students have the ability to submit questions to our Undergraduate Academic Counselors via Message Center.
MyUCLA’s Message Center is the best way to communicate with our advising staff. Here you can ask general questions, submit petitions for review, and inquire on future course planning. In order to direct your message to the most appropriate party, please filter your selection. You can filter your search to find a specific Academic counseling unit (e.g., Bioengineering), or for a specific Topic (e.g., Petitions/Exceptions: HSSEAS (Engineering)).
2024 – 2025 Student Assistants and Student Advisors
Meet our student assistants who be would happy to answer your questions at the 6426 BH front office
Michelle Tang and Daniela Cruz
Meet our student advisors who are engineering graduate students
Johnson Liu, Akhilesh Mendon, Isu Kim, Austin Chen