What is the Exceptional Student Admission Program (ESAP)?

ESAP is a guaranteed recommendation for admission* to the UCLA Samueli Engineering Masters program for outstanding UCLA engineering undergraduates who have met certain criteria.

If a student obtains ESAP Eligibility, they are a) exempt from completing the GRE, b) required only 2 instead of 3 letters of recommendation, and c) guaranteed recommendation for admission* to one of three Masters programs in the School of Engineering and subject to students completing the required graduate application materials:

  1. M.S. program of the same major as your B.S. degree
  2. M.S. Online (MSOL) program**
  3. Master of Engineering (MEng) program**

The program that these students are admitted to is the exact same program to which any other M.S. applicant is applying, with the difference being the guaranteed recommendation for admission.

*All admissions decisions for graduate programs at UCLA are made by the Division of Graduate Education. Department admissions committees make recommendations for the Graduate Division. Historically, it is rare that a student recommended for admission by the department is not given admission by the Division of Graduate Education.

**Please note that for the MSOL or MEng program, the coursework you took in your major as an undergraduate should align with the program concentration/area that you plan to apply to.  


Criteria to Obtain ESAP Eligibility
  1. Cumulative UC GPA of a 3.500 or higher
  2. Major Field Upper Division UC GPA of a 3.500 or higher
  3. 36 units or less remaining to degree completion, including any in-progress coursework and any approved minor or double major programs
  4. Must have a valid degree expected term declared on MyUCLA and
  5. Must have Technical Breadth Area and Sci Tech (for CS majors only effective Fall 2024 catalog year) declared via MyEngineering
  6. Must be a currently enrolled or continuing student and not an alum


If you meet the criteria, complete the ESAP Survey during the open survey periods:


ESAP Survey is tentatively open on the following dates:



Fall 2024: September 30, 2024 – October 13, 2024

Winter 2025: January 6, 2025 – January 19, 2025

Spring 2025: March 31, 2025 – April 13, 2025

We no longer have an ESAP Survey for Summer effective Summer 2025.

The ESAP Survey and graduate application are separate. Students are responsible for adhering to the different deadlines for the ESAP Survey and their graduate application for their prospective M.S. program. Graduate application deadlines can be viewed here.

Instructions for Completing ESAP Survey:

  1. Before completing the ESAP Survey, please ensure that you have read and met all criteria outlined on our ESAP web page.
  2. Open a new window of your browser.
  3. Go to Google Drive – Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform.
  4. Click “Sign In” in the top right corner (log out if you are signed into your personal account).
  5. Enter your UCLA email (your MyUCLA username followed by @g.ucla.edu). Enter your MyUCLA password.
  6. Select the underlined “Application” link below.
Students Interested in the M.S. Programs in Computer Science or Electrical & Computer Engineering:
  • ESAP students in the departments of Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering who plan to pursue a M.S in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering must apply for and begin the M.S. program in the Fall quarter that immediately follows their B.S. degree completion. For example, if you are a Spring 2025 degree candidate and are identified as ESAP Eligible, you MUST begin the Masters program in Fall 2025 and therefore submit your graduate application by the Fall 2024 deadline. No exceptions.
  • Students may forgo submitting GRE scores and are only required to submit 2 letters of recommendation instead of 3. However, check directly with your graduate department as GRE scores may be required for students who want to be considered for departmental financial support or for other departmental purposes.
    • ESAP applicants applying for the Computer Science M.S. program will need two Computer Science faculty recommenders
    • ESAP applicants applying for the Electrical Engineering M.S. program will need two letters from academic faculty
  • When completing the graduate application:
    • for the GRE date, you may leave this section blank
    • for Computer Science M.S. applicants only:
      • for the 3rd recommender line of the application, please list “ESAP” for both the first and last name and gradadm@cs.ucla.edu for email address
      • for Type, select General Recommendation

      • for Organization, list ESAP

      • for Position/Title, list ESAP

      • for Phone Number, list OASA’s number: (310) 825-9580
      • Upload a PDF copy of your ESAP Eligibility Notification Letter from MyEngineering
    • for Electrical Engineering M.S. applicants only: for the 3rd recommender line of the application, please list “ESAP” for both first and last name and saadmin@seas.ucla.edu for email address
  • Undergraduates majoring in Computer Engineering have the option to apply to either the M.S. program in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering
  • Merit-based financial support is at the discretion of the department but has no bearing upon admission itself. For financial aid information, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Students Interested in the M.S. Programs in Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, MSOL program, or MEng program:
  • Guaranteed recommendation for admission to the M.S. programs in Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, the MSOL program, or the MEng program is valid for three academic quarters after the ESAP Eligible student earns their B.S. degree. The graduate application may be filed within this time frame.
  • Depending on the M.S. program you are interested in, it is the student’s responsibility to check the graduate admissions web page as a number of programs require you to begin the program the Fall quarter immediately following B.S. degree completion
  • Students may forgo submitting GRE scores and are only required to submit 2 letters of recommendation instead of 3. However, check directly with your graduate department as GRE scores may be required for students who want to be considered for departmental financial support or for other departmental purposes.
    • The letters of recommendation should be from professors within your department, as the recommendations are for the purpose of determining the appropriate area of study as a graduate student
  • When completing the graduate application:
    • for the GRE date, you may leave this section blank
    • for the 3rd recommender line of the application, please list “ESAP” for both first and last name and saadmin@seas.ucla.edu for email address
      • for MEng applicants only: please list meng@seas.ucla.edu for the email address instead of saadmin@seas.ucla.edu
    • upload a PDF copy of your ESAP Eligibility Notification Letter from MyEngineering
    • for Phone Number, list OASA’s number: (310) 825-9580
I expect to meet the criteria for ESAP Eligibility after my graduate application deadline. What should I do?
  • It is advised that you complete the UCLA graduate application and ALL supplemental materials that are required for non-ESAP students. For example, if your graduate application deadline is in December 2024, but you don’t expect to become ESAP Eligible until the Winter 2025 quarter, we recommend that you complete all supplemental materials for the graduate application (including having a third letter of recommendation and GRE if required) to be safe.
  • If you become ESAP Eligible after submitting your graduate application materials (for example, you submitted your Fall 2024 graduate application as non-ESAP and then become ESAP Eligible in Winter 2025), then it is the student’s responsibility to notify the graduate student advisor of the department of your recent change in ESAP Eligibility status.
  • If you file the graduate application believing you are ESAP Eligible and only submit 2 letters of recommendation and do not complete the GRE (IF required your respective department), but end up not meeting the criteria for ESAP Eligibility, your graduate application will be considered incomplete and you would no longer be considered for graduate admission as a non-ESAP Eligible student. We recommend that you also reach out to the department graduate counselors (listed on the bottom of this page) to inform them that you expect to become ESAP after the campus wide graduate application deadline so that they can flag your application as possible ESAP.
When will I hear back on whether or not I obtained ESAP Eligibility?
  • Typically students will hear back by end of Week 6 of the quarter depending on the volume of survey submissions received for that specific term.
How will I be notified if I obtained ESAP Eligibility or not?
  • You will receive an email notification of your ESAP Eligibility status via MyEngineering.
    • Log onto my.engineering.ucla.edu > Select “Academic Notices” > ESAP
  • If you did not obtain ESAP Eligibility, you will receive a notification via MyUCLA Message Center
I was denied ESAP Eligibility. May I complete the survey again?
  • Yes, you may re-submit the ESAP survey in any future quarter so long as you remain an active student. We do not accept survey submissions if you have already graduated. For example, if you are a Spring 2025 degree candidate, the last quarter you may complete the ESAP Survey is Spring 2025 based on grades through Winter 2025.
  • For Summer degree candidates, the last quarter that you can complete the ESAP Survey is Spring. For example, if you are a Summer 2025 degree candidate, the last quarter you can complete the survey is Spring 2025.
When is the best time for me to complete the ESAP Survey?
  • We recommend that if you meet the criteria for ESAP Eligibility to complete the survey earlier rather than later and before your graduate admission application deadline. For example, if you meet the criteria for ESAP Eligibility in Fall 2024 and your graduate admission application deadline is in December 2024, you will have the benefit of obtaining ESAP Eligibility before submitting your graduate application and peace of mind as you would have guaranteed recommendation of admission* with ESAP Eligibility.
Do my letters of recommendation need to be from professors from my department?
  • In general, yes–your letters of recommendation should be from professors in your own department. However, please consult the graduate advisor from your department if you have questions about letters of recommendation. Please refer to the graduate admission web site for specifics on letters of recommendation.
I am planning to complete the ESAP Survey in my last enrolled quarter at UCLA. Will you factor in my grades from my last enrolled quarter?
  • The last grades ESAP will consider when reviewing your submission is your second to last quarter’s grades. For example, if your plan is to graduate by the end of Spring 2025, the last grades that will be considered for ESAP are Winter 2025.
When is the last quarter I can complete the ESAP Survey?
  • The last quarter you can complete the ESAP Survey is your graduating quarter/degree expected term. For example, if you are a Spring 2025 degree candidate, Spring 2025 is the last quarter you can complete the survey based on your Winter 2025 grades.
I currently have 37 units left to degree completion or currently have a 3.49 cumulative and/or major field upper division GPA. Can I still become ESAP Eligible?
  • If you do not meet the criteria listed on the web page, we cannot guarantee that you will become ESAP Eligible. You are welcome to complete the ESAP Survey, but there is no guarantee. If you are denied ESAP Eligibility, you can complete the Survey again in a future quarter as long as you’re still an enrolled student.
Can I use my ESAP Eligibility towards a PhD program?
  • No, ESAP Eligibility only applies towards the following three Master’s programs in the School of Engineering:
    1. M.S. program of the same major as your B.S. degree
    2. M.S. Online (MSOL) program
    3. Master of Engineering (MEng) program
I don’t meet criteria for ESAP Eligibility or I’d like to appeal OASA’s decision identifying me as non-ESAP Eligible. Can I submit an appeal to become ESAP Eligible?
  • ESAP is a program for exceptional students who meet all criteria as listed above. If you do not meet the criteria for ESAP Eligibility, you are encouraged to still apply to graduate school according to the regular admissions process. No appeals for consideration will be reviewed or accepted for ESAP Eligibility if you do not meet the criteria.

    I plan to apply to the MSOL/MEng program. What concentrations does my ESAP Eligibility apply to?
    • The coursework you took in your major as an undergraduate should align with the program concentration/area that you plan to apply to.  

    ESAP & Graduate Department Contact

    For questions regarding ESAP Eligibility, please contact the ESAP Team via the ESAP Message Center Queue.

    For questions regarding graduate program admission, application, curriculum, and deadlines, please reach out directly to the departmental graduate advisor:


    Graduate Student Affairs Officers

    Department Contact Room Email Phone
    Bioengineering Lili Bulhoes 5121 ENGR V lili@seas.ucla.edu  (310) 794-5945
    Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Lesly Navas 5531 Boelter Hall cbesao@seas.ucla.edu (310) 825-1203
    Civil & Environmental Engineering Mimi Baik 5732A Boelter Hall mimi@seas.ucla.edu (310) 825-1851
    Computer Science Juliana Alvarez 291 ENGR VI jalvarez@cs.ucla.edu (310) 825-0060
    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Ylena Requena

    Deeona Columbia

    57-127 ENGR IV





    Materials Science & Engineering Marilou Hatanaka 3121L ENGR V mhatanaka@seas.ucla.edu  (310) 825-8916
    Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

    Abel Lebon

    Martha Contreras

    46-127J ENGR IV



    (310) 825-7780

    (310) 825-7793

    Master of Engineering Program (MEng Program) Ivan Ruvalcaba 4732 Boelter Hall iruvalcaba@seas.ucla.edu TBD
    M.S. Online (MSOL) Program Gregory (Chris) Richmond 4732 Boelter Hall grichmond@seas.ucla.edu TBD

    To file the graduate admissions application online, start here.