Minor Application for Students Interested in:

Bioinformatics, Data Science, and Environmental Engineering


(updated process as of Fall 2024)

Spring 2025 Application Opens








This application process is specific to the Bioinformatics, Data Science, and Environmental Engineering minors available through the Samueli School of Engineering. For current engineering students looking to add a minor housed outside of engineering, please follow the regular petition process outlined at: https://www.seasoasa.ucla.edu/petition-process/.

For requests to add either the Bioinformatics, Data Science, or Environmental Engineering minors, please follow the instruction listed below. In order to have your application be considered for entry into one of the School of Engineering’s available minors, your completed paperwork must be submitted during the indicated application period.

Application Periods for the 2024-2025 Academic School Year

The process to add a minor offered by the School of Engineering has changed, effective Fall 2024. The application for Bioinformatics, Data Science, or Environmental Engineering will be offered once per quarter. Once the application period closes, you will not be able to apply until the following quarter. Please plan accordingly.

Fall 2024 Application Period

Application Opens:
Monday, September 30 at 8am

Application Closes:
Friday, October 11 at 5pm

Winter 2025 Application Period

Application Opens:
Monday, January 6 at 8am

Application Closes:
Friday, January 17 at 5pm

Spring 2025 Application Period

Application Opens:
Monday, March 31 at 8am

Application Closes:
Friday, April 11 at 5pm

Summer 2025 Application Period

The date range for Summer’s application will be finalized and posted during the Spring quarter.

Notification and Processing

We will begin our review period once the application closes. Which means, we won’t begin our review until the Monday of Week 3. In most cases you should expect the results of your application to be sent to you by the end of Week 4 or Week 5. This message will come via Message Center. Some decisions may be delayed if there are a high volume of requests for a specific minor, or if there are extenuating circumstances related to your application.

For L&S students who are at 150 total units (or more) at the time you apply, your request will take additional time to review. This additional time will be contingent on approval from your home Counseling Unit (e.g., CAC, AAP, Honors, etc.).

The last quarter you are eligible to apply will be two quarters prior to your expected degree term at UCLA. As an example, if you are a Spring 2025 degree candidate your last quarter to apply will be during the Fall 2024 application period.

Your application will be DENIED if you do not complete steps 1-3. Please read the instructions carefully.
For consideration, please complete the following steps (only available during the Application Period):

Be sure to complete this editable PDF. The section for degree plan needs to be filled out in its entirety. Once completed, save the file as a pdf, and name it using your last name, first name (e.g., SMITH, John).

Be sure to complete this editable PDF. DO NOT fill in any sections listed under, “OFFICE USE ONLY”. Once completed, save the file as a pdf, and name it using your 9-digit UCLA ID (e.g., 123456789.pdf). This is step 2. Please see step 3 for submission instructions.

This questionnaire will only be active during the Application Period (Application Period(s) listed on the same webpage). 

DO NOT complete UNTIL you know the final grades from the pervious term. For example, if you are submitting an application in the Spring 2025 Quarter, you will need to know your final grades from the Winter 2025 quarter. This survey will contain questions related to Prep Courses and the grades received in those Courses.

The requested documentation from Step 1 and Step 2 will need to be attached within this Form.

At this point, the Survey should be completed. All relevant documentation should be attached within the MyUCLA Survey (i.e., what we’re requesting in Step 1 and Step 2).

There are no set parameters for the requested 1-2 paragraph summary on why you’re looking to add an engineering minor, nor will it be weighed in the review of your application.