UCLA iGEM Lab position available

Interested in joining an interdisciplinary research lab? The UCLA iGEM Synthetic Biology Team is currently recruiting for its 2019 Research cohort! We welcome self-motivated, independent, and hard-working students from all majors and years who are available to commit...

TAMNS Undergraduate Research Program

TANMS offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate students at our six campuses to be part of a dynamic research center focused on understanding new electromagnetic approaches in the development of nanoscale systems in memory, antennas, and motors. URP...

UCSD Designing for Safety and Safety by Design REU

The overarching goal of this NSF REU Summer Program is to immerse students in a meaningful and highly interdisciplinary research environment within the structural engineering domain and to teach them that design does not end with construction. Instead, designing for...

Johns Hopkins REU

Nanotechnology for Biology and Bioengineering– Students majoring in the STEM fields participate in research projects in the exciting and rapidly growing area of nanobiotechnology, a place where biology, medicine, and nanotech meet. Students receive hands-on graduate...