UCLA Samueli Undergraduate Scholarships FAQs
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Who is eligible to apply?
All current undergraduates with Engineering Majors at UCLA are eligible to apply. Specific application criteria ranges for each scholarship. Please refer to the list on the application.
How is class standing determined?
Class level is determined by your total current units, including any current AP or transfer credit that has posted to your account (in progress in the current quarter courses are NOT included in this). You may only apply for scholarships that match your current class level standing. If you have pending transfer or AP credit that have not posted, you may not include it in your total units/class level.
- 0 – 44.9 (Freshman)
- 45 – 89.9 (Sophomore)
- 90 – 134.9 (Junior)
- 135 + (Senior)
What is the difference between -financial need required- and -financial need considered-?
Financial Need considered: This denotes a Merit-based Scholarship. This means that all students that meet the criteria, regardless of financial need, are eligible. However, the Scholarships Committee will still consider financial need in making their selections.
Financial Need Required: This denotes a Need-Based Scholarship. This means that in addition to meeting the other criteria, the student must also have been determined to demonstrate Financial Need. Financial Need is determined by the Financial Aid Office (FAO) using data submitted on the FAFSA or Dream Act paperwork. If you did not submit a FAFSA for the 2023-24 academic year (was due March 2nd of 2023), then you can not be considered for scholarships that say “financial need required”.
To summarize, if you submitted a FAFSA or Dream Act paperwork, you can be considered for any scholarship for which you qualify, Need based, and Merit based. If you did not submit a FAFSA or Dream Act paperwork, you may only be considered for Merit based Scholarships.
Please note that it is possible that you submit a FAFSA and for the Financial Aid to determine that you are not eligible for additional scholarships and financial aid. But you would never know if you could be eligible without first submitting the FAFSA. You may still submit a FAFSA or Dream Act application. Please see the financial aid office website for more information: http://www.financialaid.ucla.edu/Undergraduate/Applying-for-Aid
What if I am…
graduating Fall or Winter (less than 1 year left at UCLA)
Since this application, review, and selection will occur before Fall Quarter begins, you are eligible to apply, but make sure your degree term is declared so that if selected, the payment schedule can be amended to match your quarters that you’ll be enrolled at UCLA.
enrolled in less than 12 units
You are welcome to apply to these scholarships! However, please note that you would not be eligible for the scholarships that specifically require applicants be enrolled full time (at least 12 units in Fall, Winter, and Spring of the 2021-2022 Academic year).
a first year student
You are welcome to apply to these scholarships! We have access to your admission GPA to make our initial selections. Because the final processing occurs after Fall grades post, we will check your Fall grades before finalizing the offer.
in a non-engineering major in another College/School at UCLA
Unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply to these scholarships, even if you have one of the Engineering minors like Bioinformatics or Environmental Engineering. You should still fill out the UCLA General Application to be considered for other opportunities through Academic Works.
an engineering minor
You may apply to these scholarships only if your primary major is also in Engineering.
an engineering graduate student
Unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply to these scholarships. You should contact your respective department regarding fellowship awards.
an international student
You are welcome to apply to these scholarships! The only limitation is that you are not eligible for awards that say “US citizenship required” or “Financial Need Required”. You are eligible for all other awards. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be notified via email to provide additional information via GLACIER. Once the GLACIER documents are updated or received, THEN your award can be processed and paid out.
an undocumented student (AB540)
You are welcome to apply to these scholarships and will be considered for all “financial need considered” or Merit awards. To be considered for awards that state Financial Need Required you must complete our scholarships application AND submit the DREAM Application. You may still complete a form if you are interested in being considered for need based aid. Please do so ASAP! http://www.financialaid.ucla.edu/Undergraduate/Applying-for-Aid
Undocumented students are not officially classified as CA residents by the UC Registrar, even if you live or have lived in California, so you may not be eligible for awards that specifically require California State residency.
an intercampus visitor or EAP student
Unfortunately, you are not eligible to apply to these scholarships.
- You will need to complete the General Scholarship Application before you can access the Engineering Application. You can start this right now to begin being matched to potential scholarship opportunities offered outside of the Samueli School of Engineering while you wait for the Engineering Conditional Application to open.
- This will match you with any opportunity you may be eligible for based on your application in addition to the extra questions we need to match you with Engineering awards.
- The Engineering Conditional Application questions will become available in June 3, 2024
Be sure to check over your submission for accuracy and that it is complete before the deadline.
Once the deadline has passed, the information on your application at that time is FINAL. NO EXCEPTIONS. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
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I created an account last year. Do I have make a new one to apply this year?
Nope. All UCLA Students have a profile with UCLA Academic Works.
- If you have used this scholarship tool before, you don’t have to create a new account. You can just update your information in the General Application and complete the Engineering Conditional Application once it opens in June 2023 (exact date TBD).
- If you have never used this tool before, you just need to log in with your Bruin Online information (BOL) to get started.
I don't see the Engineering Application, how do I apply?
You will not be able to see the Engineering Application until you complete the General Application.
If you have already done these, check that you are eligible for this application to show up for you (see Eligibility details).
If you feel you are eligible but still don’t see the Engineering application even though the application period is active, please email scholarships@seas.ucla.edu.
May I apply for more than 1 scholarship?
Yes! And there is nothing extra you have to do. When you complete the Engineering Application, you will actually be considered for every scholarship for which you meet the donor criteria. And the advantage of using Academic Works is that you could be auto-matched with other opportunities outside Engineering as well!
What happens if I apply for a scholarship and later change my major, or no longer meet the scholarship requirements?
If awarded a scholarship, you are required to maintain eligibility based on the listed award criteria. If you fail to do so, or have a significant drop in GPA, or do not enroll in a quarter, it can affect your and result a bill to pay back the award and/or future disbursements being canceled. If you no longer meet the criteria, you are advised to immediately notify scholarships@seas.ucla.edu so that we can advise you accordingly and can figure out the best way to move forward as smoothly as possible.
Who should I contact if I have questions regarding the application?
Send email to: scholarships@seas.ucla.edu
You are not required to upload additional documents to Academic Works, but in order to be considered for scholarships offered through the Samueli School of Engineering, you need to complete the Engineering Autobiographical Statement and Extra-Curricular Activities sections asked in the Engineering Conditional Application.
Same for your extra curricular activities. The ones listed in the General App and the Engineering App each to be able to stand on their own merit.
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What about where it says I can upload a Resume?
This step is not required nor will it even be considered for Engineering Scholarships. In fact because most resumes have personal, identifying information that we do not make available to the reviewers, so not uploading one is preferred. But if you do, it won’t have any bearing on this application.
Can I make changes once I have completed the General Application and/or Engineering Application?
Yes! You can make updates all the way up until the application close.
The strength of your essay is STRONGLY considered.
Your essay should be based upon your personal relationship with the field of engineering.
- The prompt is very general on purpose so that you can write your own story.
- Do not be vague: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your passion for Engineering by referring to specifics from your life: internships, jobs or experiences, etc., that have been formative in guiding you down this path to Engineering. Be detailed. Make sure any reference to your future plans are well supported by past experiences and choices, as described in your essay.
- It is okay to use a past essay (UC application or previous scholarship application) as a starting point, but chances are, you have grown and had new experiences in the last year. Your essay should reflect these changes.
- Please do not focus on finances. We understand that many students are in a situation of financial need. However, financial need is already taken into consideration when reviewing applications based on data provided by the Financial Aid Office.
- Do not submit the same essay that you submitted in the past. The committee WILL notice and if so, you risk your application being disqualified.
- Do not submit an essay similar to your friend’s essay: If there are striking similarities between two essays, the committee will notice, and both applicants risk their applications being dismissed.
There are two places you can detail Extra Curricular Activities
(1) In the General Application there are two sections:
- EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE where you can detail up to 3 different extra curricular Club and Community activities
- EMPLOYMENT/INTERNSHIPS/RESEARCH: where you can detail up to 3 different experiences.
(2) In the Engineering Application there will be one section:
- ENGINEERING CLUBS where you can detail up to 3 different official school affiliated clubs/organizations/research. Hobbies such as personal coding projects that are not part of an official club or organizations should not be listed.
What if I am a new student and I haven't had a chance to really join a club at UCLA yet?
If you are in your first or second year at UCLA, the committee will review activities from the past two years from today, including activities at previous colleges/universities or high school.
What if I am have more than 3 activities or experiences to list?
Pick your strongest 3 or your most recent 3 that demonstrate your leadership and growth.
What if I am have less than 3 activities or experiences to list?
You can list up to a maximum of 3, but fewer is fine.
The process is extremely competitive! We anticipate roughly 500 applications for just 100 scholarships this year, ranging in award amounts of $200 to $12,000. Total scholarship monies available for award is over $400,000. You should take the time to ensure your application is as strong as possible. Little things like grammar and punctuation are taken into account when reviewing essays, as well as whether or not the applicant followed the application guidelines/instructions.
Who reviews my application? What is taken into consideration when choosing scholarship recipients?
When will students be notified if they have received an award or not?
If I win an award, when will it be paid out? Will I get a check?
Note for possible payment delays:
- Students with an F-1 Visa must complete and submit GLACIER tax documents in order for their award to be paid out.
- Students for which Financial aid needs to shuffle items in your financial aid package to accommodate this award may take a little longer to process.