WORKSHEETS!! to assist in class planning.  Please use a worksheet with the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) and/or your catalog year announcement*




 *Your catalog year is the year you were admitted to your current major.  For some of you, that is your first year at UCLA.  If you changed your major from AE to ME or ME to AE, then your catalog year may NOT be your first year at UCLA, but the year that you changed your major.   The Academic year is Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.





*Students admitted to the Aerospace major beginning Fall 2016 and later will be asked to switch to the new 2018-2019 AE curriculum.
*Students admitted to the Aerospace major prior to Fall 2016 will have the option to switch to the new 2018-2019 AE Curriculum. Please contact a MAE counselor if you have questions via Message Center.











Please follow the Class Planning Tips outlined for you below. All students should have an idea of when they plan to graduate.  Students who begin upper division course work (100-199) are especially encouraged to begin their time to degree plans now if you have not already done so.







Additional Helpful Tips




  • You should prioritize completing any missing lower division courses first.  Avoid two math courses in the same quarter if you are working on lower division.  After lower division priority should be given to required AE/ME courses over electives as this will allow for the most flexibility in a senior schedule.  Therefore, plan electives and any remaining GE courses last or where you have space or a gap.
  • For AEROSPACE – make sure you plan MAE 150A no later than Winter quarter of your junior year if you are on a 4 year plan.   MAE 150A {requisites MAE 103, 82 (formerly 182A)} begins a sequence of  courses that are only offered once a year.
  • For MECHANICAL: make sure you plan your capstone design courses MAE 162D/E in
    your last two quarters (and meet requisites). Again, spread out your lab courses (107, 157, 183A or M183B, EE 110L) but get them done BEFORE you take MAE 162D/E to lessen your workload. MAE 157 should be completed in your junior year since it re-enforces the concepts in your core courses.
  • Once you have an idea of when you should expect to graduate you should declare a degree expected term (DET) through MyUCLA.  By declaring a Degree Expected Term you are assisting the department and OASA in assessing lab space demand for many of the MAE labs.  Do you want space in a lab? help us prioritize by doing your part. 
  • If you need assistance with planning your schedule or you find issues with your plans or want to review your plans please contact an academic counselor so we may assist you.  We highly recommend that students speak with an academic counselor in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) at least once a year to make sure you are on track to meet your degree requirements.  To schedule an appointment, please review the ‘Advising’ section here.