Answers to questions commonly asked by newly admitted students to UCLA Samueli Engineering students and new student advising.
On-Campus Summer Orientation: What are the benefits of attending on campus orientation and when does it take place?
Unable to Attend On-Campus Summer Orientation: I cannot attend on-campus orientation. What do I need to do in order to register for classes? When will I be able to register?
Summer Coursework: I have recently been admitted into Samueli Engineering, and I want to take summer courses before starting my fall quarter at UCLA. What courses should I take?
Credit for Community College Courses: I have taken courses at a California community college, what do I need to do to get credit for the courses?
Computer Science and Engineering Coursework: I have taken Computer Science and Engineering courses at a four year university or out of state community college, what do I have to do to get credit for it at UCLA?
Credit for Fundamental Science Courses: I have taken Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science courses at a four year university or out of state community college. What do I have to do to get credit for it at UCLA?
Eligible to Waive Specific Coursework: I am eligible to waive certain Math, Chemistry, and Physics courses through my advanced placement exams. What do I need to do in order to waive out of these courses?
Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: What credit will I receive with my advanced placement exams?
Credit for General Education Requirements: I have taken a course that may apply for a general education course. How can I get credit for this course?
College Summer Institute (CSI): What is this program and where can I get more information about it?
Undeclared Engineering Student: I’m an Undeclared Engineering student, how will I figure out what major to select?
Incoming Transfer Students: I am an incoming transfer student. What credit will be granted towards my major?
Immunization Requirements: Due October 1st, 2022
Need More Assistance: Who may I contact with any questions?
On-Campus Summer Orientation: What are the benefits of attending on campus orientation and when does it take place?
Orientation gives you the opportunity to meet fellow students, ask Academic Counselors questions in person pertaining to your first quarter at UCLA, familiarize yourself with Samueli Engineering academic policies and deadlines, gain an understanding of what UCLA requirements your AP credit or transfer credit fulfills, register for classes immediately, and become better prepared to enter UCLA.
- For first year student orientation session dates, please click here.
- For transfer student session dates, please click here.
You can sign up for a New Student Orientation session from your MyUCLA page – please make sure that you read all the information pertaining to your session thoroughly to avoid additional fees.
Unable to Attend On-Campus Summer Orientation: I cannot attend on-campus orientation. What do I need to do in order to register for classes? When will I be able to register?
1. Email and notify us that you cannot attend orientation. Please include your full name and your UID.
2. Wait until you receive an email from us with further instructions.
Students who do not come to an on-campus orientation will register in mid-September. The exact date will vary by year, but you will be notified by the counselor you correspond with. There is no option for an earlier enrollment appointment unless you come to an orientation session on campus.
Summer Coursework: I have recently been admitted into Samueli Engineering, and I want to take summer courses before starting my fall quarter at UCLA. What courses should I take?
It is possible to take courses that can count for your major before officially starting your fall quarter at UCLA. Please refer to the Curricular Requirements & Department Information for more information about the specific course selections for your major. In order to facilitate your course options for the summer, please use the following guidelines and recommendations:
1. If you already have advanced placement (AP) or community college credit (i.e. Math 7 at Santa Monica College) and wish to know more about your possible course selections, contact a SAMUELI ENGINEERING counselor relevant to your major. They will be able to assist you in picking classes that are required for your degree and that you can take during summer. Please be sure to include your full name and university ID in your email so that we can better assist you.
2. The following lower-division courses are required for most Samueli Engineering majors and are usually taken during the first year at UCLA:
- *Chem 20A (except computer science and computer science & engineering)
- **English Composition 3
- ***Math 31A, 31B, 32A, 32B
- ****Physics 1A, 1B, 4AL
2a) If you plan on taking these courses at a community college, please refer to and select your community college and then major from the drop-down menu.
2b) If you plan on taking these courses at UCLA, please visit this site specifically for new UCLA students interested in UCLA Summer Sessions and also refer to UCLA’s Registrar’s Office for courses offered during this year’s summer session.
Note: Courses listed on may not all be offered during the summer and will depend on college preference.
*Chemistry: If you achieved a score of ‘4’ or ‘5’ on the AP Chemistry exam, you have the option of using that credit to satisfy Chem 20A once you start attending school in fall. However, if your major requires courses beyond Chem 20A (i.e. Chem 20B, Chem 20L, etc.), we do not recommend skipping Chem 20A, as a solid foundation in Chemistry is required for your major.
**English Composition 3: This is a Writing I requirement that must be satisfied by completing Eng Comp 3 with a grade of C or better (C- or a Passed grade is not acceptable) by the end of your sophomore year. The Writing I requirement may also be satisfied by scoring a ‘4’ or ‘5’ on one of the College Board Advanced Placement Tests in English or a combination of a score of 720 or higher on the SAT Reasoning Test Writing Section and superior performance on the English Composition 3 Proficiency Examination. Students whose native language is not English may satisfy the Writing I requirement by completing English as a Second Language 36 with a grade of C or better (C- or a Passed grade is not acceptable). Students who choose to have ESL satisfy English Composition 3 must be students who are required to take the ESLPE and score proficient to take ESL courses. You would need to file a petition to have ESL 36 satisfy English Composition 3 once you start attending classes in fall and the petition will be approved.
***Math: If you scored a ‘5’ on the AP Calculus BC exam, you are required to take Math 31B -OR- Math 32A; enrollment into Math 31A will count as an unauthorized repeat and you will not receive credit for the course. If you scored a ‘4’ on the AP Calculus BC exam -OR- a ‘5’ on the AP Calculus AB exam, you have the option of taking Math 31A -OR- Math 31B. A score of ‘3’ on either the AB or BC exam and a score of ‘4’ on the AB exam will not render any credit or units. It is very important when making decisions about math courses, to take into account how good your high school teacher and math program was and how well you know the material. As a Samueli Engineering student, you have quite a few more math classes to take; a strong foundation is the key to doing well. Note: if you are considering taking Math 31A, all placements into this class, regardless of whether you have gotten a ‘4’ or ‘5’ on the AP Calculus exam, will require the Mathematics Diagnostic Exam. If you are unsure about what what math class to take during the summer, please refer to the course syllabus.
****Physics: If you achieved a score of ‘4’ or ‘5’ on the Physics C: Mechanics AP exam, you have the option of using your AP credit for Physics 1A once you start attending school in fall. It is highly recommended that you take Physics 1A or it’s equivalent course because you will be taking more Physics courses for your major and you will be required to have a strong foundation of Physics.
Credit for Community College Courses: I have taken courses at a California community college, what do I need to do to get credit for the courses?
1. You must submit all transcripts to our admissions office, 1147 Murphy Hall, Box 951436, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1436.
2. Review to see if you receive equivalent class credit for a UCLA course. If your course specifically matches with a UCLA course then you will automatically receive credit. If it does not match with a specific course you will then have to submit a course evaluation form and course syllabus to our office. Please see the following link for more information regarding course evaluations: /undergraduates/summer-session-and-transfer-course-equivalence#transfer
1. You must submit all transcripts to our admissions office, 1147 Murphy Hall, Box 951436, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1436.
2. You will need to submit a course evaluation form, course description, and syllabus for each course to our office, 6426 Boelter Hall, for any Engineering or Computer Science course. The course will then be evaluated for possible credit towards your UCLA degree. Please visit the following link to complete an evaluation form: /undergraduates/summer-session-and-transfer-course-equivalence#transfer
3. You may mail all course evaluation forms to the following:
Erkki Corpuz, UCLA Samueli Engineering OASA
Box 951601
Credit for Fundamental Science Courses: I have taken Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Life Science courses at a four year university or out of state community college. What do I have to do to get credit for it at UCLA?
1. Submit syllabi for any out of state Math, Physics, Life Science or Chemistry course directly to each respective department. You will need to provide course descriptions and syllabi to make a proper and accurate evaluation of credit.
* Math – go to 6356 Mathematical Sciences Building
* Physics – go to 1-707A Physics and Astronomy Building
* Chemistry – go to 4009 Young Hall
* Life Science – go to 2305 Life Sciences Building
2. Provide our office with proof of evaluation from each respective department.
Eligible to Waive Specific Coursework: I am eligible to waive certain Math, Chemistry, and Physics courses through my advanced placement exams. What do I need to do in order to waive out of these courses?
You must submit all advanced placement scores to the admissions office. Once your first quarter at UCLA begins, you will also need to submit a white petition form to our advisement office, 6426 Boelter Hall. Petition forms are available at the front desk of our office.
Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Courses: What credit will I receive with my advanced placement exams?
Please review the following link for specific information on advanced placement credit /curric-12-13/05ugprogs12.html#Anchor-Admission-58521
Credit for General Education Requirements: I have taken a course that may apply for a general education course. How can I get credit for this course?
If you believe you have taken a college course and it may apply for general education credit please submit a course syllabus with a petition form (petition forms are available at our office, 6426 Boelter Hall) to our front desk once your first quarter begins. Please note that the following type of courses do NOT apply for GE credit (but you may receive units):
– Foreign language courses
– Ceramics and similar arts and crafts courses
– Physical education courses
If you have questions about possible general education credit please set up an appointment with your advisor in the upcoming fall quarter.
College Summer Institute (CSI): What is this program and where can I get more information about it?
The College Summer Institute (CSI) is offered by the New Student & Transition Programs for incoming First Year students at UCLA. For six weeks before the start of Fall Quarter, students will live on campus with fellow undergraduates while taking courses that satisfy some University requirements. If you have satisfied some of the course options prior to attending UCLA and would like to inquire about taking alternate courses, please contact New Student & Transition Programs via email at Include a detailed message,containing your full name and student ID number, to inform NSTP that you are an engineering student who has fulfilled certain courses and would like to see if there are other courses you can take for the CSI program.
Undeclared Engineering Student: I’m an Undeclared Engineering student, how will I figure out what major to select?
As an Undeclared Engineering student, you have access to all faculty members from each department who will be happy to answer all of your questions regarding the major, curriculum, research, graduate school, and career paths. You can schedule to meet with various faculty members throughout the quarter in order to do some informational interviews. You can find a comprehensive list of all ladder faculty on MyEngineering by logging in and clicking on the “My Advisor’s” link. In addition to faculty advising, OASA Academic Counselors can help you schedule your courses and provide you with resources to help you in the decision making process of selecting a major. Once the upcoming fall quarter starts, you can schedule an appointment to see an Academic Counselor by calling (310) 825-9580 or stopping by 6426 Boelter Hall.
Aside from faculty advising and academic counseling, part of the requirement for guaranteeing the major you want is to either take a course called Engineering 96, where you will be introduced to engineering design while examining engineering careers and majors offered at UCLA, or take any introductory engineering course. You will also have access to the Career Center and will be able to utilize all of their resources including career assessments and career counseling.
Connecting with other engineering students can aide you in your decision making process because other engineering students most likely experienced similar experiences that you may be anticipating. A great way to connect with your peers is to join student organizations which can help you adapt to campus life and connect you with people from various majors to get more insight. You will also be assigned a Peer Mentor who will be available to show you around campus and answer any questions you may have about Samueli Engineering and campus life.
Finally, it will be most important to self-reflect. Try to think about your strengths and what you are passionate about throughout your time and experience here at UCLA; let that be your guide in choosing your major.
Incoming Transfer Students: I am an incoming transfer student. What credit will be granted towards my major?
A tentative review of your credit has already been made. During orientation you will be presented with what you officially have completed via your transfer coursework. If you cannot attend orientation then a PDF of your credit will be emailed to you.
Need More Assistance: Who may I contact with any questions?
email with any questions or concerns you
may have. Please do not send multiple emails, we will respond as soon as