Grading Policy, PTEs, I, and DR Grades


  1. GRADING POLICY: Set your grading policy in writing at the beginning of the quarter.  Please refer to the Grading Policy Memo at:
  2. PERMISSION TO ENROLL NUMBERS (PTE#):  Permission to enroll numbers (PTEs) give you, the faculty, control over who is allowed in the class.  To obtain PTE numbers, login to and click on the link “PTE” under the affected class.
    Below are further guidelines for issuing PTEs:

    • FULL/CLOSED COURSES OR NON-ENGINEERING MAJORS REQUESTS FOR ENGINEERING COURSES:  Let OASA handle enrollment of undergraduates through its Enrollment Consideration Request (ECR) process.  During the first and second passes of enrollment, please direct all students to the ECR rather than providing PTE numbers so that OASA can manage enrollment, assess total demand, verify graduating seniors and requisites. While you always have the authority to give PTE’s, doing so during the ECR process may allow a student to cut in front of another student who needs the class more.  Once the quarter begins (and the ECR has closed) then you may provide PTE numbers at your discretion based on the room size and your ability to handle additional students.
    • GRADUATE STUDENTS REQUESTING UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Instructors may choose to issue PTEs for undergraduate courses to graduate students after all undergraduates have been accommodated. Please check with your undergraduate vice-chair first before taking action.
    • UNDERGRADUATE REQUESTING GRADUATE COURSES: Before issuing a PTE to an undergraduate engineering student to enroll in a graduate course, please refer the student to the undergraduate petition process or 6426 Boelter Hall (OASA). Undergraduates students are not allowed to enroll in graduate courses without petition approval from OASA.  OASA verifies they meet the Associate Dean’s criteria to enroll in a graduate course (3.000 cumulative gpa or higher).
  3. WAITLIST – Students are admitted to the wait list in the order they enrolled. In order to admit the first n of m students on the waitlist, please email or your department scheduler.  The enrollment cap for the course will then be increased by n and those n students will automatically be enrolled. If you believe it necessary to choose only certain students on the wait list, please contact one of the counselors of OASA.
  4. INCOMPLETE “I” GRADE – Please refer to the detailed memo on the proper use of the Incomplete grade:
  5. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT –  The grade of “DR” (Deferred Report) is to be assigned when academic dishonesty is suspected.  If you suspect a student of academic misconduct please refer to the detailed memo on how to proceed:

Any questions may be referred to Michel M Campbell, Director of OASA ( or to Associate Dean Richard Wesel (

For a list of counselors of OASA, please refer to