On-Campus Programs Outside of HSSEAS
UCLA Amgen Scholars Program
The Amgen Scholars program is a national program to increase learning and networking opportunities for students committed to pursuing a career in science or engineering.
The Nanosystems Chemistry and Engineering Research (NanoCER) program is a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI). Undergraduates interested in chemistry and engineering will learn how to be scientists and engineers by participating in teams that develop new materials, devices and applications of nanotechnology.
NIH Biomedical Science Enrichment Program
The NIH Biomedical Science Enrichment Program (BISEP) prepares students for upper division science coursework and undergraduate research. The program consists of a biotechnology lecture and laboratory, journal clubs on reading and writing scientific literature, career development workshops and seminars, group/lab meetings, laboratory visits, and career guidance. Seminars and workshop topics include, but are not limited to, undergraduate and graduate/professional program panels, career opportunities in the biomedical sciences, and applying to research programs. Upon completion of BISEP, participants will be prepared to conduct faculty-mentored undergraduate research. Program activities are specifically designed to support and to encourage students who intend to pursue research careers in the biomedical sciences.
The UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) offer upper division undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects. The programs are designed for students who wish to learn more about the graduate school experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research.
CARE Fellows & Scholars Program
The CARE SEM Summer Program is a 10-week opportunity for UCLA undergraduates to undertake research with a UCLA faculty and receive professional development through workshops and seminars. Participants are required to complete the entire ten week program (approximately 40 hours per week in the lab). Participants must attend all required workshops, seminars, and social events and complete all assignments. At the end of the program, each participant is required to give a poster presentation describing his/her research and complete a post-program survey.
Grand Challenges Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (GCURSP)
The Sustainable LA Grand Challenge is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 SLA GC-URSP course to cultivate the next generation of sustainability leaders.
The three quarter class will explore different topics essential to student research while providing a hands-on learning experience. The interdisciplinary research experience equips students with the communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills needed to guide L.A. to a more sustainable future. Research project span several disciplines and all majors are encouraged to apply!
Undergraduate Research Scholars Program Students: The course is open to students who will be in their 2nd and 3rd years during the year in which the course is offered. The course is offered for two units each quarter, with P/NP in the Fall and letter grades in the Winter and Spring quarters. Additionally, each student will register for two units of SRP99 each quarter (P/NP).
Integrated and Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Program
The Integrated and Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Program (i2URP) is an intensive, two-year program that prepares incoming juniors committed to pursuing a graduate degree for a career in biomedical research. Students work closely with program faculty on biomedical research topics during the academic year while also conducting research with their own faculty mentor. Students apply as juniors and participate in the program through the end of their senior year.
Maximizing Access to Research Careers Program
The MARC U*STAR Program is a two-year, NIH-funded, undergraduate honors program that seeks to increase the number of biomedical scientists from diverse backgrounds that significantly impact health-related research. The program specifically seeks to strengthen the skills and research training of students from groups traditionally underrepresented in the biomedical sciences. This program is appropriate for students interested in pursuing a PhD or dual PhD degree upon completion of their baccalaureate degree.
Santa Monica College/UCLA Science Research Initiative
The Summer Scholars Research Program provides Santa Monica College transfer students a 9-week research opportunity in a lab, as well as enrichment workshops to assist in the transition to UCLA or another 4 year institution in the fall.
The program is offered through the Santa Monica College Science & Research Initiative, an academic support program designed to help traditionally underrepresented students interested in STEM careers successfully complete their studies at SMC, transfer to a baccalaureate program, and enter the STEM workforce.
UC Leadership through Advanced Degrees (UCLEADS)
he UC LEADS Program is one of the most prestigious fellowships awarded by the University of California system. This program provides up to nine UCLA upper-division undergraduate students in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with educational experiences that prepare them to assume positions of leadership in academia, industry, government, and public service following the completion of a doctoral degree, preferably at the University of California.
Undergraduate Research Fellows Program
The Undergraduate Research Fellows Program (URFP) is directed through the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and administered by the Undergraduate Research Center-Sciences. This program is designed for students beginning to conduct research or are early-on in their research careers. URFP supports students conducting research during the Winter and Spring quarters. URFP awards stipends up to $2,000. Stipends are distributed over the duration of the program.
Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
The Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) is directed through the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and administered by the Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences. The URSP supports juniors and seniors conducting research during the academic year. URSP awards scholarships of up to $3,000 to Juniors and up to $5,000 to Seniors. Scholarships are distributed in 3 equal disbursements over the duration of the program.