Lab & Space Safety
for UCLA Samueli Engineering Student OrganizationsKEEP OUR COMMUNITY SAFE & DO NO HARM
Guiding principles for students, engineers and future leaders.
Information on this website is in no way exhaustive. Contents includes general guidelines for managing your space on campus and safety protocols for student leaders as established by the UCLA Samueli Engineering and UCLA Environment, Health and Safety. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the student organization, its faculty advisor, and sponsoring department (or the School for school-wide organizations) to safely operate their facility, keep its users safe, and reduce the impact to our community and environment.
Please email Wes Uehara, Engineering Student Organization Coordinator, at if there is any incorrect information or URLs that do not work on this website.
Importance of Safety
Bruce Dunn, former Associate Dean of Research and Physical Resources.
A message from our Associate Dean.
Introduction & Purpose of Training
Lab and Space Safety training is an annual event hosted as part of the Engineering Leadership Workshop series. Training was held on November 14, 2024 from 6 – 8 PM on Zoom.
Wes Uehara
Engineering Student Organization Coordinator, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Estrella Evans
Safety Specialist, UCLA Environment, Health, and Safety

As members of the UCLA Engineering community it is our responsibility to manage our physical space and activities to ensure the safety of our participants and reduce impact to our community and environment. As leaders, it is important to lead by example and emulate appropriate behaviors.

Professional training
Safety, training, and ethical implications of your work will be a part of your life as a professional engineer. Entire courses have been created to review case studies of engineering design disasters, work-place accidents, and outcome of irresponsible disposal and dumping of harmful chemicals. The goal is to provide the education to propagate a more informed and responsible work-force of professional engineers.

Expand on resources & activities
An injury, death, damage to property, or a associated financial burden is an excellent way to end our activities (game-over). Our goal is to support the expansion of extra-curricular design activities, tinkering, DIY, and innovation that enrich the experience and professional training available to UCLA Samueli Engineering students. We need your help.
Work-place Accidents, Violations, and Consequences
Examples of work-place accidents and violations
Chemical fire resulted in the death of a UCLA chemistry research assistant in 2009 – ‘Tragedy at UCLA followed by requirements for protective gear, research into lab safety’
Yale Student Killed as Hair Gets Caught in Lathe – After fatal accident, new safety standards
Examples of past violations at UCLA Engineering:
Particles from sanding fiber-glass disbursing through the air.
Passerby trips and injures ankle due to bollard not being replaced.
Infestation of bugs & rodents due to trash pile in the Student Creativity Center.
Fumes enter building Boelter Hall air-intake, Dean’s office evacuation ordered, sends one to the hospital, all air-filters need to be replaced in 7th floor offices.
- Dyed-fertilizer dumped into building green-space. Fees assessed to remove fertilizer.
Possible consequences
- Immediate shut-down on activities, access to your lab, space, and equipment until violation is
resolved. - Financial reparation for any damages incurred by the violation including retrieval and/ or proper disposal of waste.
- Citations from UCLA Police Department or LA Fire Department.
- Law suit against your organization.
- Notification to student organization, faculty advisor, sponsoring department, and Associate Dean of
Research and Physical Resources. - Notification to Dean of Students, administration, and law enforcement (where required).
- Violation is recorded by the School.
- Loss of affiliation with the School of Engineering and school resources.
- Registered Student Organization status is revoked.
- All organizations may be impacted.
Creating a culture around safety - we need your help!
All student leaders should be vigilant about safety issues and violations in their activities, assigned campus spaces, and the School of Engineering. Share best-practices and remind each other when an activity is hazardous or negatively impacting our community. Report hazards to the School when you see them so we can work together to avoid an accident. Help each other to ensure we can continue our activities and have access to the space and resources we need to do them.
To report a hazard, please contact:
- Anthony Redon, Facility Manager, UCLA Engineering,,
- Wes Uehara, Engineering Student Organization Coordinator,, and
- Rob Candler, Associate Dean of Research and Physical Resources,
Required Training, Setting-up & Maintaining your Campus Space

Required UCLA Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S) online training
There are 3 required UCLA EH&S Online Training for all student organization officers and members of organizations that occupy space in the School of Engineering and/or engage in any technical activities. Students can access the online training through UCLA Environment, Health & Safety’s Worksafe training website:
EH&S will send a certificate of completion or an email verifying completion of the training and quiz. Please have your members save the file for their records and submit them to your organization. Student leaders should keep a log of all completed trainings (EH&S trainings and any other trainings you provide them) by each member.
Required Training:
Lab Safety Fundamentals (LSF) training
The Lab Safety Fundamentals training is a campus-wide training required for all students working in labs and working on technical projects. Students must be familiar with the fundamentals of laboratory, chemical, and general safety. This self-paced course contains images, links, and interactive elements that support the mitigation of hazards, disposal of hazardous chemical waste, and response to emergencies in accordance to UCLA’s practices. If students have completed the LSF training, please maintain your certification by completing the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Refresher and submitting the certification of completion each year.
General Chemical Safety training
The General Chemical Safety training (AKA Hazard Communication Online Training IP-HCOMM-OL) covers common materials you may use during your work, like paints, glues, resins, cleaning solutions, solvents, plasters and more, all qualify as “chemicals”. Improper storage, handling or disposal of materials can result in explosions, leaks, or human injury or illness. This course introduces components of OSHA’s Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) standard and the methods for learning about chemical hazards, including labels, safety data sheets (SDS) and hazard assessments.
Shop Safety training
The Shop Safety Online training provides an introduction to the fundamentals of shop safety. Topics include: roles & responsibilities, hazards, and safe work practices.

Setting-up your Campus Space
This section provides information on how to set-up your campus space. Topics include: a) access, b) earthquake safety, c) electrical safety, d) fire safety, and e) information you should post in your room.
ADA requires 3 feet access (walkways & doors).
Suggest 3 feet around equipment & tools.
Do not block doors/exits with furniture or stored items.
Earthquake Safety
Secure (bolt) bookcases, shelving and machinery that are taller than 5 feet.
All tools and equipment (non-portable and without wheels) shall be secured to the floor to prevent tipping.
Put heavier things on the bottom of shelves or when stacking is necessary.
Ensure items stored above 5 feet are tied down (e.g. bungee cords, etc.) or have a lop to prevent falling during an earthquake.
Ensure all items/tools are adequately stored (securely in closed cabinets and/or not stacked so high they may fall).
- Please submit a Material Service Request (MSR) to Anthony Redon’s team for assistance with securing equipment & furniture. Please do this prior to your EH& S Inspection.
Electrical Safety
- No daisy-chaining (plugging in one to the other) extension cords or power strips.
- Keep cords out of the walkway and doorways.
- Do not hang electrical cords from the ceiling or sprinklers unless installed by SEAS Building management or UCLA Facilities.
- Make sure cords are not frayed.
- Keep electrical panels clear on all sides (3 feet).
- Make sure all outlets are covered.
- Never use electronics, extension cords, or power strips with broken insulation.
Fire Safety
Do not hang anything from sprinklers or pipes.
Keep fire extinguishers clear at all times (at least 3 feet).
Do not block access & doorways
Do not block fire alarm pulleys.
Do not block fire alarms or smoke detectors.
Do not prop open designated fire doors.
Do not stack/store items within 18 inches of the bottom of sprinkler heads. If sprinklers are not present, do not stack/store items within 24 inches from the ceiling.
The Fire Department MUST be contacted in the event of a fire. Regardless of how small, how little damage, etc.
- Save the UCLA Dispatch number: 310-825-1491 for quicker response.
- 911 from campus phones will contact UCLA’s fire department.
- 911 from cell phones may route to LAFD (longer response time).
Please post the following information in your room for your members:
Emergency plan, required training, Space Use agreement form, house-rules, and cleaning schedule
Post your emergency plan & contact information
During an Emergency
- Make sure everyone is safe. Evacuate if necessary. Make sure everyone leaves the room and is accounted for.
- Report an emergency or suspicious activity to UCPD by calling 911 or using the Bruins Safe App,
- Follow relevant emergency procedures,
- Obtain accurate information from verified sources via Bruins Safe Online, BruinALERT & UCLA Newsroom, and
- Follow directions from first responders.
Location of the following
- First aid kit
- Nearest eye-wash station
- Fire extinguisher
- Fire alarm
- Nearest accessible bathroom
- Evacuation site
Emergency phone tree
- Someone in your space should have a cell phone at all times.
- All emergencies, injuries and accidents need to be reported. Please email or call the following:
- Executive board and/or project leads (add phone numbers and email addresses)
- Your faculty advisor
- Anthony Redon, Engineering Facilities Manager,, 310-206-1946
- Wes Uehara, Student Organization Coordinator,, 310-206-5592
- Rob Candler, Associate Dean of Research & Physical Resources,,
Please note – you may want to create a QR code for links to make it more easily accessible during an emergency.
Required training, location of Safety Data Sheets, Standard Operating Procedures, Job Safety Analysis, equipment manuals, required training, and training log
Posting of the following in your campus space:
- List of required training to include the required EH&S training as well as any training required by your organization for specific tools or activities,
- Location of any Safety Data Sheets for chemicals that are being used or stored in your workspace,
- Location of any Job Safety Analysis (JSAs) or Standard Operating Procedures, and
- Location of equipment manuals and log of training completed by your membership.
Space Use Agreement form, additional house-rules, and cleaning schedule
Space Use Agreement Terms & Conditions – Student organizations have agreed to the items delinated in the Space Use Agreement form. Your organization leaders, faculty advisor, and the faculty advisor’s department chair must sign the agreement form to occupy an assigned space in the School of Engineering. Please review the Space Use agreement form terms and conditions with your members and post the document in your room.
Additional house-rules – Student leaders should decide on additional rules and guidelines you want your members to follow while using your space and post the in your room.
Cleaning schedule – Student leaders should create a cleaning schedule and post it in your room. See the House-keeping area in the Maintaining your Campus space section below.

Maintaining your Campus Space
Student leaders are required to maintain and clean their campus space, manage access, and report any maintenance issues. This section provides information and resources on maintaining your campus space.
On-master vs. Off-master
- The Student Org’s areas are considered Off Master and therefore do not get scheduled custodial
services. Each organization is responsible to maintain their respective space clean. - Custodial services can be schedule by filling an Facilities Service Request (FSR) directly with UCLA Facility
Management for a fee. It is recommended that you obtain a quote first and determine if this is something our organization can afford.
All members must maintain the condition of their assigned room and any furnishings provided to them. No permanent fixtures, drawing, painting, or markings on the facility or furnishings.
- Student organization rooms are ‘off-master’, which means there is no facilities services to clean or remove trash.
- Student organizations are responsible for maintaining a regular cleaning of their space, including sweeping and trash disposal (daily/weekly as necessary).
- Your organization will also organize a time in the year to review and purge any unneeded items being stored in your room.
- Student organizations should maintain an inventory of their furniture, equipment, supplies, as well as a sign-in/sign-out process when items are taken off campus for official club related activities.
- No food or drinks are allowed in your campus room. Any damage to the space will be the responsibility of the student organization and/or the department to repair and return to the original move-in condition.
- As delineated in the UCLA Student Code of Conduct (section 102.8), UCLA is an alcohol, drug, and tobacco free campus. There should be no alcoholic beverages or other illegal substances for the purposes of storage, consumption, or disposal in a campus room. Issues related to this should be reported immediately.
Waste management
Trash Disposal: The primary Trash Disposal area is located in the Alley between Engineering IV and Boelter Hall.
- Should a club need a dumpster to be brought up to the BH Patio area
please fill the UCLA Engineering Material Service Reqeust (MSR) form on the SEAS building Services webpage. (24 hours notice). - No trash should be left in the Boelter Hall patio area.
- Bulky items can also be handled by completing the MSR request.
- Should a club need a dumpster to be brought up to the BH Patio area
Chemical Disposal: All Chemicals set for disposal must be tag with the EH&S disposal tag and brought to the Recovery truck parked in the Alley near the Logistics Center every Wednesdays from 9:00 – 9:30 AM. The pick-up schedule can be viewed here.
Batteries and e-Waste items can be dropped off in the Logicstics Center, located in Engineering 4 room 14-108 (the entrance faces Engineering 5 and is just around the corner from the Rocket Project room).
Maintenance Issues
Facility management Desk vs. SEAS Building Services
- For all Emergencies, please call the Facility Management Call Center at 310 825 9236
- For non Emergencies use the UCLA 311 App. One service request has been logged you
will receive an acknowledgement email, please forward the email to
SEAS Building Services team are here to help with facility enhancement, safety concerns, Storage of bulky items, Project Management and some preventive Maintenance. Use the MSR link on the SEAS Building Services Website
Emergency preparedness

Emergency-preparedness is important to understanding what to do in the event of an emergency. Do not wait until you are experiencing an emergency to think about how you would handle it!
The following provides information on information and training provided by UCLA Environment, Health & Safety:
EH&S Emergency Procedures
Review the EH&S Emergency Procedures website that provides information on a variety of emergencies such as:
- Environmental Disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods,
- Threats such as active-shooters, bomb threats, shelter-in-place, suspicious package, and unwanted persons, and
- Health, Facilities, and Lab issues such as medical emergencies, power failure, and full-lab shutdown.
Emergency Preparedness
For the UCLA community, including students, staff, faculty and researchers, readiness is essential. Disasters can happen unexpectedly, and it might take some time for first responders to arrive, depending on the severity and nature of the incident. It’s important to equip yourself with the knowledge, supplies and skills needed to support yourself and others until professional help can reach you.
This preparation enables you to effectively assist yourself, your family, your neighbors and your colleagues during emergencies, bridging the gap until professional help is available. For more information on how to prepare, visit the EH&S Community Preparedness website.
Reporting Serious Injuries
Student leaders are required to submit any serious injuries to campus.
The following was taken from the Injury Reporting EHS Factsheet 2023 Update:
UCLA defines a serious injury as death, amputation, concussion, crushing, fracture, laceration with significant bleeding and requiring significant stitches, severe burn, and/or injuries requiring overnight hospitalization.
Should you call the serious injury hotline?
- I sprained my ankle and will need a brace.
- I cut my arm on a file cabinet.
- I closed my finger in my desk drawer.
- I burned my mouth while eating lunch
- I fractured my knee and will need surgery.
- I cut my arm on a table saw.
- I crushed my finger in the gears of a drill press.
- I burned myself with acid in the lab.
Follow these procedures:
- Seek medical attention and/or call 911 or (310) 825-1491 (UCPD).
- Report the injury to the organization’s executive board and/or project leads, faculty advisor, Anthony Redon, Engineering Facilities Manager,, 310-206-1946, Wes Uehara, Student Organization Coordinator,, 310-206-5592, Rob Candler, Associate Dean of Research & Physical Resources,,
- Your supervisor and/or personnel department must call the EH&S Hotline at (310) 825-
9797 and provide injury details. - Your supervisor and/or personnel department must report the injury to IRM
at (877) 682-7778 within 24 hours (see procedures above).
Additional Information
- EH&S hotline options
- Insurance & Risk Management webpage (
Information on First Aid kits
Assemble a Personal Emergency Kit for your workplace/office, vehicle and residence: Essential for quick response and resilience in disaster situations
Fire extinguisher training & use
Fire extinguishers are located throughout the University, near egress paths, corridors and adjacent to exterior barbeque grills. Different types of fire extinguishers are placed according to the area’s intended use. Be familiar with the fire extinguishers and manual pull station in your area of work, class, and dorms. Student organizations should think about purchasing a fire extinguisher for their campus space.
For more information and a video on how to use a fire extinguisher, please visit the EH&S Fire Extinguisher Training and Use website.
Reducing Hazards
Reducing hazards in the work-space, Personal Protective Equipment, Before you Begin Checklist

Reducing Hazards in your Work-space & Personal Protective Equipment
Student leaders have the responsibility to provide a safe work-space and to reduce hazards that could result in an accident or injury. The following provides information on how to do this in your work-space.
Equipment Safety
- If equipment is damaged, do not use it!
- Damaged equipment or equipment that does not appear to be operating normally must not be used. Report the problem equipment to the club president and/or lab manager.
- Remove the equipment from service until the problem is remedied.
Safe Work Practices
- Authorized users shall complete any necessary training, be familiar with the instruction manual and/or Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) prior to the use of any piece of equipment.
- Authorized users shall not deviate from safety protocol as outlined by the manufacturer.
- Equipment shall be used only as intended and within the specifications set forth by the manufacturer.
- Do not operate equipment unless guards are in place – do not remove guards for any reason while performing a task.
- Work safely and methodically. Resist rushing and ask for help when you need it.
- Do not leave equipment unattended while its running.
- Aisles, exits, and access to emergency equipment must always be clear.
- Damaged equipment or equipment that does not appear to be operating normally must not be used. Report the problem equipment to the organization president, project lead, and/or lab manager.
- Remove the equipment from service until the problem is remedied.
- Do not leave plugged in.
- Clean-up debris from machines and work areas frequently, maintaining proper equipment storage, and keeping walkways and doorways clear.
- Compressed air must not be used to clean skin or clothing. Use a vacuum to clean work area surfaces.
Personal Safety
• Know the location of emergency equipment.
• No personal electronic devices or headphones should be used while working with equipment, tools, or machines.
• Keep hands and body parts a safe distance from moving machinery.
• Remove loose jewelry, tie back hair and restrain beards.
• No open-toed shoes or sandals.
• Use the ‘buddy system’ (never work alone).
• Make sure you understand the proper operating procedures of equipment and complete all necessary training.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protective Equipment or PPE refers to protective clothing, glasses/goggles, headwear, footwear and other garments designed to protect the user from hazards. PPE is required for certain SCC operations, including but not limited to the use of portable/stationary power tools, compressed air, and/or chemicals. Generally, you can find the required PPE in one of the following places:
- User manual for specific equipment you are using
- Safety Data Sheet for the specific chemical you are using
- Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) or Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the task
Student leaders are required to ensure all required PPE is available to members and should provide them with information on how when and how to use it.
See the EH&S Facts: Personal Protective Equipment for a brief summary of each and when they should be used.
Where do I get PPE?
It is the responsibility of your organization to secure the necessary Personal Protective Equipment necessary for your activities. Here are some vendors that supply PPE:
- McMaster Carr
- Grainger
- Office Depot

Before you Begin check-list
Use the Before you Begin checklist before you start any project. It will help you to verify that you have everything you need to carryout your activities.
Purpose & who should do this
The Before you Begin checklist is a guide to help you plan for an activity. It will help you to reduce hazards in
your activity to reduce to potential of an accident. It will also help you to think about logistics and policies before
ordering supplies and starting your activity. The goal is to avoid any ‘show stoppers’ that will prevent you from
your activities.
Who should do this?
Any student leader that is engaging in a technical activity that requires storage and or disposal of materials, tools or processes that could cause harm if inappropriately used, or use and/or storage of chemicals.
When this should be completed?
Before you order any parts or supplies. We encourage you to complete the Before you Begin checklist before the start of each quarter and have it reviewed by your Faculty Advisor.
General Guidelines
- Any tool or equipment should have an instruction manual. Find them and have participants review them.
Please supplement the instructions as needed. - Any activity that involves a high-level of hazard, warrants a Job Hazard Analysis or Standard Operating
Procedure be adopted or created. - Any use of chemicals require a review of the chemical’s Safety Data Sheet, a review by your faculty advisor for proper use, PPE, storage and disposal, and must be included in your Chemical Inventory sheet and submitted to EH&S.
- Have your Faculty Advisor review your Before you Begin Checklist for approval.
- Provide the necessary training to your participants.
Before you Begin check-list file & other resources
- Before you Being check-list in .doc format
- Please review this Lab & Space Safety for Student Organization leaders website for additional guidance and resources for your activity.
- Check our Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) & Standard Operating Procedure repository. This link will take you to any JHAs or SOPs that were created by other engineering student organizations. Please add any that you have created to this repository for others to use. Let’s not recreate the wheel!
- Check the EH&S UCLA Box folder for JHAs that have already been created and can be adopted by your organization for your activities.
- Contact UCLA Environment, Health, & Safety for help –
Review this section if you are using chemicals

Chemicals are everywhere
You can’t read an ingredient label on your groceries without feeling like a decent percentage of it seems like a chemical. I buy isopropyl alcohol from the grocery store. Is that not a chemical? What about lye. That’s definitely a chemical. So what is a chemical anyway? Add anything you think is a chemical to your Chemical Inventory (see below) and EH&S can advise you. Here is the UCLA EH&S Chemical Safety website.
Some things to know
Chemical Label
The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all chemicals to have a label that includes the following information:
- Product Identifier
- Supplier Information
- Signal Words
- Hazard Statement
- Hazard Pictograms
- Precautionary Statements
- Supplemental Information
Chemical labels may also include:
- Batch number
- “Warning” or “danger”
- First aid information
- Directives not to eat/drink, whether or not it’s flammable
Students should review the Chemical Label for storage, appropriate use, how to reduce hazards, PPE, and disposal. Please note that if you put the chemical in another container and intend to leave it in that container beyond your work-shift; then it must be labeled.
Example of a Chemical Label
Example Chemical Label
9 symbols called pictograms
Routes of Exposure
Some of these can be avoided if you’re wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Please review the PPE section above.
Safety Data Sheets
In addition to the chemical label, please review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of any chemical that has one. Safety Data Sheets will include 16 sections as follows:
- Identification
- Hazard(s) Identification
- Composition, information on ingredients
- First-aid measures
- Fire-Fighting measures
- Accidental release measures
- Handling and storage
- Exposure controls, personal protection
- Physical and chemical properties
- Stability and Reactivity*
- Toxicological information*
- Ecological information*
- Disposal considerations*
- Transport information*
- Regulatory information*
- Other information*
*Numbers 10 – 16 are note required; but are sometimes included.
Please review any Safety Data Sheets, include information on appropriate storage, training, PPE, use, and disposal on your Before you Begin checklist and review it with your Faculty Advisor. If you have any questions, please contact EH&S,
Standard Operating Procedures
EH&S has developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for a wide variety of chemical hazards. These SOPs are generally grouped by control bands, which specify a common set of precautions that apply to chemicals with a specific hazard, or combination of hazards, associated with them. Student organizations can check the repository of these SOPs for the chemicals they use.
Chemicals for which no control band is appropriate retain their own chemical-specific SOP. Please contact EH&S at for assistance in determining which control band applies to a particular material.
Chemical Inventory (required)
UCLA campus requires that we inventory all chemicals that are being used and/or stored in our campus space. As such, each organization is required to submit a Chemical Inventory of all chemicals used and/or stored by their organization campus room or space.
Please use the EH&S Chemical Inventory template to enter your items: The tables are formatted to collect information that allows campus to quickly organize data. Please do not change the format embedded in each cell of the table. You will need to include the following:
- The name of the chemical
- Chemical state (solid, gas, or liquid)
- Quantity stored
- Container used for storage.
If you have questions or are note sure what is considered a chemical, please email EH&S at
Disposal of Chemicals
- Dispose of all hazardous and chemical waste via UCLA EH&S Hazardous Waste Department
- DO NOT dispose of chemical waste in trash cans, down drains, in storm drains, outside, by evaporation, etc
- Your regular waste pickup: Engineering IV Loading Dock Wednesday mornings from 9 – 9:30 AM (see waste disposal section above and the Chemical Waste pick-up schedule).
- Waste must be tagged- Consult your Faculty Advisor for more information.
Hazard Communication & Chemical Safety
Hazard Communication & Chemical Safety
Step 1: Student organizations must keep a Chemical Inventory List of all chemicals used in the work area and used in activities. Your organization, along with your Faculty Advisor, should do a walk-through of your campus space and review your activities to identify all chemicals that your organization uses or stores. These should be added to your Chemical Inventory.
Step 2: Organizations and your Faculty Advisor should review the Chemical Label, Safety Data Sheet and Standard Operating Procedure (if applicable) for each chemical being used or stored to determine the hazards associated to the use, storage, disposal of that chemical, and how you will design your activity to reduce the hazards associated.
Step 3: Create a training for your membership that will engage in the activity. It should include:
- Chemical information, which requires the chemical to have a legible, intact label.
- Hard copies of the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) must be available at the location where chemicals are being stored and used.
- Information on the hazards of the chemicals with which they are working.
- Instructions on how to access, handle, store, and dispose the chemical.
- Required PPE and supervision.
- Storage and access to the chemical,
- What to do in case of an emergency.
Step 4: Maintain a log on who is authorized to use the chemical or engage in the activity.
Refer to the EH&S Facts Sheets for details: Hazard Communication and Chemical Safety. If you have questions, please email EH&S at
Additional Guidance
- Most student organization rooms are not safe to store or use chemicals. You MUST consult with your faculty advisor regarding chemicals in your space.
- Chemicals shall be stored in closed containers when not in use.
- Store chemicals in designated flammable storage cabinets as applicable.
- Ensure incompatible chemicals are stored separately.
- Ensure secondary containment is utilized to catch leaks from chemical containers.
- Do not order bulk/excess chemicals that may not be used by the end of the project/academic year.

Job Hazard Analysis
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), formerly known and Job Safety Analysis for chemicals help student leaders to review activities and provide instructions to users on an activity in a way to reduce the potential for any accidents to happen. All organizations engaged in technical activities, use tools, and/or chemicals should consider creating or adopting a JHA to reduce the potential of accidents or injury.
See below for more information.
What is a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is a systematic process used to identify potential hazards and risks associated with specific job tasks or activities. It is a proactive approach to workplace safety that helps organizations prevent accidents and injuries by assessing and mitigating potential risks before they occur.
Creating a JHA
Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs) are typically equipment specific. These documents should provide safety, health, and environmental information to work safely. Supervisors and student organization members who use a common piece of equipment should collaborate to develop JHAs. Training on JHAs should be updated and documented annually and as new equipment or procedures are introduced.
Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) provides a JHA form template that you can use to create a JHA for the tool you are using. You can also access their JHA repository to see if a JHA was already created that you can adopt or use to assist you in developing a JHA specific to the activity (job/task) you are planning.
Step 1: Identify any tool or equipment that has the potential of causing injury if not used appropriately on in an accident.
Step 2: Review the EH&S JHA repository to see if a JHA was already created for your tool or activity, or Chemical Banded SOPs for chemicals.
Student organizations can also check our Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). This link will take you to any JHAs or SOPs that were created previously by other engineering student organizations. Please add any that you have created to this repository for others to use. Let’s not recreate the wheel!
Step 3: If a JHA does not exist, then work on creating a JHA tailored to your activity. If a JHA already exists, make sure to tailor it to your specific activity.
Step 4: Have this reviewed and approved by your Faculty Advisor.
Step 5: Create and deliver a training for your membership.
Step 6: Keep a log of membership that has completed that training and can have access to that piece of equipment.
Step 7: Upload your JHA to our repository to share with other student organizations and pass this information on to next year’s officers.
Additional Resources

Resources for Student Organizations & Policies
You will find information on additional resources available to student organizations in this section. Resources include the UCLA Engineering MakerSpace, Machine Shop, Paint & Sand Box facility, and the Logistics Center.
See more information below
UCLA Engineering Innovation Lab MakerSpace
The UCLA Engineering Innovation Lab MakerSpace is located at 1805 and 2808 Boelter Hall. Please visit the MakerSpace website to learn more about the MakerSpace, tools and equipment available, access and necessary training.
Hours are Monday – Friday (9 AM – 6 PM) and Saturdays (12PM – 5 PM). The Makerspace is open during the academic quarter (not finals week, academic breaks, or university holidays).
The space and equipment is available for club use during our open hours. Student leaders can request an after hours reservation to use the equipment. Students must be trained on how to use the equipment before the reservation. Makerspace staff is available to provide training during normal open hours. Please contact Professor Jacob Schmidt for reservations.
The Makerspace is NOT available at any time for club-meetings.
3D Printer Policy
- There is large demand for 3D printing. The MakerSpace printed more than 6,000 jobs last year. Please plan accordingly and don’t monopolize time on the printers.
- A huge amount of staff effort is dedicated to maintain the printer farm.
- We ask students to slice their print file using the PrusaSlicer software at the workstation and hand the sliced file to the staff for loading onto the printers.
- Finished prints will be placed in an adjacent area for pick-up.
Tool Bins
- Tools have been organized into bins in Boelter 1805 and 2808.
- Please make sure to return the tool to the appropriate bin. This includes returning tools to the bin located on the appropriate floor.
- Wrenches and hex keys are color-coded to ease sorting.
UCLA Engineering Machine Shop
Machine Shop Tools
- Available for student use: drill press, sanders, band saws, 4 mills, 3 lathes (Hulk lathe is staff only)
- Staff only or staff-supervised only: welding machine, CNCs (7)
- Process for CNC use:
- Chris Cordova, CNC expert, is the only one who can use the CNCs.
- You will need to CAD your part first
- The next step is to fabricate on a manual machine to fine tune your design before using the CNC.
- 2 hour workshop training that you have to take. Once in a life-time. No shorts or slippers. You need to wear pants and shoes while in the Machine Shop
- Personal use – after you are trained, scan the QR code and select the tools you are using
- Club members also need to go through training before using equipment.
Hours & Fees
- Monday – Friday 7 AM – 12 noon & 1 – 4 PM
- Saturday hours will be available during the acdemic year
- No fees so far. There will be small fee.
For additional questions please contact Anthony Redon, Engineering Facilities Manager,
Policy on Painting
All painting should be done in the Paint & SandBox facility located on the southwest corner of Boelter Hall on the ground level as required by UCLA EH&S.
UCLA Samueli Engineering, in guidance by the UCLA Environment, Health & Safety Shop Safety Team, Industrial Hygiene Team, and the Fire Marshals, have identified a location (SCC Paint & Sanding box) and a process for student organizations’ painting-activities.
Information & Policy
Location: The Paint & Sand Box facility is located on the southwest corner of Boelter Hall on the ground-floor. It is a fenced-in area just outside the southwest entrance to Boelter Hall. The dimensions of the work area is 20.5′ x 17.5′.
Guiding principle: Use your best judgement to ensure that:
we are using the facility for its intended purpose,
we safely paint without harming ourselves or others,
we do not damage our facilities and/or equipment, and
university business can continue without being disturbed.
Email requests to Anthony Redon,, Engineering Facilities Manager at least 36 hours in advance. Requests must include:
Student organization or team name,
Name, email, and cell phone of officer responsible for activity (must be present during work),
Summary of activity, and
date, time (including duration) of activity.
Officer will be provided instruction & combination to unlock the Paint & SandBox facility.
Paint & Sand Box policies:
The Paint & Sand Box facility is for painting and sanding only. No other activities should be held in this location.
Do not store any materials in the Paint & Sand Box facility.
Do not block Boelter Hall exterior doors at any time.
Not following Paint & Sand Box policies and procedures as delineated in this website will result in your student organization losing Paint & Sand Box access and privileges.
Your student organization and their Department will be held responsible for any damage or injury in the Paint & Sand Box facility.
UCLA Engineering administrative staff reserves all rights to determine access to the Paint & Sand Box facility.
Do not graffiti the facility!
Prep for painting:
Round up your volunteers
Get your paint – only paint brushing and spray painting with cans is allowable (no compressed air-powered spray guns).
Drop cloths – You must provide your own drop cloths to cover the area (and overspray) of the item you are painting.
Measure your prototype (or object you are painting). Painting MUST be done in the confines of the Paint Box area.
Prepare your PPE.
On Painting Day:
Wind – windy days are not good for painting as it will be difficult to control your painting and the overspray. Please consider rescheduling your painting for non-windy days.
Boelter Hall exterior doors on the southwest side (nearest to the Paint Box facility) on floor 1 and 2 MUST be closed while painting.
Place your drop cloths – to avoid staining walls or ground.
Place your prototype on the drop cloths. Remember that painting MUST be done in the confines of the facility area.
Use PPE if necessary or preferred– gloves, apron and/or N95 respirator may be used at the painter’s discretion.
Test paint – to ensure no overspray that will stain the facility, nearby buildings, or equipment.
DO NOT Graffiti the Paint Box!
Clean-up & disposal:
Drying – you may leave your prototype in the SCC Paint & Sand Box facility area (at your own risk) to accommodate drying time.
Remove all items from the facility area.
Dispose of your drop cloths and any other materials that need disposal. EH&S guidelines for proper disposal: the facility for accidental overspray (please remove all stains).
Close and lock the facility
Email Anthony Redon,, once you are done
Policy on Sanding
Paint& SandBox Facility & Policy on Sanding
All sanding should be done in the Paint & SandBox facility located on the southwest corner of Boelter Hall on the ground level.
Sanding generates dust particles that can easily be lifted into the air. In certain instances, these substances can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Proper precautions should be taken to ensure those who are sanding as well as those in the surrounding community are kept safe. Painting is NOT allowed around the Student Creativity Center. Boelter Hall air-intake is located all around the Student Creativity Center on the 2nd floor. Any fumes will be immediately taken in by the air-intake and distributed throughout the building.
UCLA Samueli Engineering, in guidance by the UCLA Environment, Health & Safety Shop Safety Team, Industrial Hygiene Team, and the Fire Marshals, have identified a location (SCC Paint & Sanding box) and process for student organizations’ sanding activities.
Information & Policy
Location: The Paint & Sand Box facility is located on the southwest corner of Boelter Hall on the ground-floor. It is a fenced-in area just outside the southwest entrance to Boelter Hall. The dimensions of the work area is 20.5′ x 17.5′.
Guiding principle: Use your best judgement to ensure that:
we are using the facility for its intended purpose,
we safely paint or sand without harming ourselves or others,
we do not damage our facilities and/or equipment, and
University business can continue without being disturbed.
Email requests to Anthony Redon,, Engineering Facilities Manager at least 36 hours in advance. Requests must include:
Student organization or team name,
Name, email, and cell phone of officer responsible for activity (must be present during work),
Summary of activity, and
date, time (including duration) of activity.
Officer will be provided instruction & combination to unlock the Paint & SandBox facility.
Paint & Sand Box policies:
The Paint & Sand Box facility is for painting and sanding only. No other activities should be held in this location.
Do not store any materials in the Paint & Sand Box facility.
Do not block Boelter Hall exterior doors at any time.
Not following Paint & Sand Box policies and procedures as delineated in this website will result in your student organization losing Paint & Sand Box access and privileges.
Your student organization and their Department will be held responsible for any damage or injury in the Paint & Sand Box facility.
UCLA Engineering administrative staff reserves all rights to determine access to the Paint & Sand Box facility.
Do not graffiti the facility!
Prep for Sanding:
Round up your volunteers
Complete recommended trainings:
EH&S N95 Respirator Training and Fit-testing –
Wet sand training (wet sand when possible) – is being developed.
Determine whether you are dry or wet sanding (contact your faculty advisor if you are unsure):
Dry sanding – wood or foam
Wet sanding – concrete, anything ‘rock-based’
No sanding – glass, fiberglass, asbestos
Prepare your equipment
N95 respirator
Googles or safety glasses
Sanders & necessary sanding supplies
Use sanders that are connected to a vacuum when possible.
You must use 1 vacuum per electric sander or person sanding.
Portable garden sprayers (or equivalent) if you are wet sanding.
Clean-up and disposal tools
Mop, trash bags, wet/dry vacuum, rags, etc.
On Sanding Day:
Wind – windy days are not good for sanding as it will be difficult to control your dust. Please consider rescheduling your sanding for non-windy days.
Boelter Hall exterior doors on the southwest side (nearest to the Paint & Sand Box facility) on floor 1 and 2 MUST be closed while sanding.
Prepare your prototype and PPE.
Test sand – have someone check to see if debris is escaping the area. If there are dust particles in the air, then you need to reevaluate the number of vacuums per sander that is being used.
If wet sanding is done, the material should be sprayed periodically.
Clean-up & disposal:
Dry sanding – Use a HEPA vacuum to pick up all debris.
Wipe or mop up after vacuuming. Sweeping should be avoided to reduce the amount of particles in the air.
Wet-sanding – water should be swept into a central location and vacuumed up using a wet/dry vac. Some absorbent material may be needed to create a border around the space to prevent water from escaping into pedestrian areas.
Please dispose of materials and dust inside vacuums (if applicable).
Clean out the Paint & Sand Box facility.
Close and lock the facility.
Email Anthony Redon,, once you are done.

Faculty Advisor walk-through
All student organizations that occupy space in the School are required to do a faculty advisor walk-through of your space. This should be completed at the start of the academic year and before your EH&S Safety Inspection if you are required to do one.
EH&S Safety Inspections
UCLA’s office of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) performs annual safety inspections of all student organization space where design work involving tools, equipment that pose potential hazards, and chemicals occurs. Due to the delay in training, organizations must complete their Safety Insepction & corrective actions by the end of Fall 2024.
Inspections are completed by room and organizations that share space should be present at the time of inspection. Each inspection takes approximately one hour, and any assigned action items should be completed within 30 days. These inspections focus on:
- Required safety documentation and access controls
- Policies
- Facility safety
- Electrical safety
- Fire/ emergency safety and preparedness
- Chemical hygiene
- Machinery and equipment safety and controls
- Applicable high risk operations
- Member training
Engineering student organizations that occupy space in the school are required to complete an EH&S Safety Inspection if one of the following applies:
- If your organization uses space in the Student Creativity Center regardless of how you use your space,
- If your organization works with tools, equipment, or chemicals that can cause harm.
Organizations that must complete an EH&S Safety Inspection:
- 3D Printing for Everyone
- AI Safety
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Bearospace
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
- Bruin Earth Solutions
- Bruin Spacecraft Group
- CruX
- Engineers Without Borders
- Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers
- Institute of Transfporation Engineers
- Materials Research Society (MRS)
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Phi Sigma Rho (PSR)
- Rocket Project at UCLA
- Society of Automotive Engineers (Baja, Formula & Supermileage)
- Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Women Advancing Technology through Teamwork
- Any other organization that engages in technical activity, works with tools and equipment that can cause harm, and/or chemicals.
Roles & Responsibilities – lets work together!

We all need to work together to ensure we reduce hazards that could cause an accident or injury in our activities as well as our impact on our campus community and physical environment. The following provides guidance on the roles and responsibilities of your officers, members, project leads or lab managers, your faculty advisor, and sponsoring department.
See below for more information.
Executive Board & Officers
- Implement the policies and protocols found on the Lab & Space Safety for Student Leaders website.
- Assign to an officer or elect an officer to oversee operations and safety in your space.
- Share and review the Lab & Space Safety website with your membership.
- Review the Space Use Agreement Terms & Agreements and house-hold rules about your space with your membership.
- Review, implement, and disseminate policies and information related to space and safety from
Campus and the School of Engineering to your membership throughout the year. - Schedule a ‘walk-through’ of your campus space with your Faculty Advisor.
- Complete an EH&S Inspection if you are an organization that resides in the SCC or works with tools,
equipment, and materials that could cause harm. - Report any inappropriate activity, theft, accidents, damage to the School and your faculty advisor.
Project Leads & Lab Managers
- Assist Executive Board with carrying out responsibilities.
- Complete the ‘Before you Begin checklist’ prior to starting a new activity. Review activities with your
Faculty Advisor before implementing. - Identify, create, or update Job Hazard Analysis, review of chemical labels, Safety Data Sheets, and Standard Operating Procedures for any chemicals you are using.
- Create an ‘Authorized-use log’ or record of who has completed the necessary trainings and can have
access to participate in an activity, use a tool, or handle supplies. - Designate a location in your work area where all equipment manuals and training logs are easily accessible to those who are using the equipment.
- Provide training to membership before starting activities.
- Create a repository where training tools, curriculum, and authorized-use logs are kept to pass to next
year’s officers. - Maintain your campus space and report any issues, accidents, injury, or emergencies.
All members of student organizations have the responsibility to:
- Review the Lab & Space Safety for student organizations website for policy, procedures and resources before starting any activity,
- Review the Space Use Agreement Terms & Conditions if your organization occupies space in the School of Engineering.
- Complete the required EH&S online trainings each year and provide the proof of completion to your organization:
- Lab Safety Fundamental Concepts
- Shops Training
- General Chemical Safety Training
- Complete any specific training on using tools, equipment or handling chemicals offered by your organization before starting an activity.
- Report back any inappropriate activity, missing equipment, or accidents to your officers and project leads.
Faculty Advisor
- Faculty Advisors assume ultimate responsibility for the safety of the members of the student
organization and the impact on our community of any activity that the organization takes on. - Faculty Advisors will ensure student organizations are in compliance with Space & Safety Protocols
on this website and any UCLA Environment, Health and Safety policies. Advisors will help the
organization to determine a solution to any activity or situation that is not in compliance. - Assist student organization to review activity, and identify tools, equipment, chemicals or substances
that they use that requires the creation or adoption of a Job Hazard Analysis, review of chemical labels, Safety Data Sheets, Standard Operating Procedure and implementation of activities. - Quarterly Room Inspection of the student organization’s physical space to provide guidance on EH& S
space and safety compliance and review activities. - Advocate with Department or School on behalf of the student organization for resources needed to
reduce the hazards and impact on the community associated with their activities.
Sponsoring Department or School of Engineering
- Address any violations regarding space & safety incurred by the student organization and ensure
compliance with Space & Safety Protocols created by UCLA Samueli and EH&S policies on safety
and managing space. - Assist in identify summer storage should the room assigned to the student organization be needed
over the summer for School outreach programs. - Assign a faculty to review Space Use applications from student organizations (every other year).
Your sponsoring department is your faculty advisor’s department. The School of Engineering is the sponsor of school-wide organizations such as ESUC, MentorSEAS, and Ambassadors.
Space Utilization Agreement form submission

All student organizations that occupy space in the School of Engineering are required to adhere to the Space Utilization Agreement form terms and agreement. A submission of this signed form is required each academic year.
- Download a copy of the Space Utilization Agreement form here.
- Once you complete the form and obtain all necessary signatures, please save your file as .pdf with the following file name: Organization or project team name_SpaceUse_2024. For example – BruinRacing_SpaceUse_2024.pdf.
- You can then submit your form here. Please do not email your form to us.
- The deadline to submit your signed form is Friday, December 13, 2024.
Action items
- Assign officer to manage your space and activities with relation to Lab & Space Safety.
- Send an email to your officers and members to:
- Review the Lab & Space Safety website with pointers to information and guidance on specific things they will engage in through the year. Encourage them to help ensure we are able to continue our activities by being mindful about safety and reporting any accidents or violations,
- Complete the required online EH&S Training (3) and submit their verification of completion to one of your officers,
- Review the Space Use Agreement Terms and Conditions and the house-rules your board agrees upon with them if you occupy space in the School of Engineering,
- Review the policy on Painting and Sanding and the location of the Paint & SandBox.
- Provide them with a list of training they must complete in order to have access to equipment, tools, or handle chemicals in your space, when you plan to host the training, and how to sign-up.
- Set-up your campus space:
- To be compliant with EH&S guidelines for access, earthquake safety, electrical safety, and fire safety,
- Post your Emergency plan, list of required training for tools, equipment, and/or chemicals used or stored in your space, Space Use Agreement Terms and Conditions, house rules, and cleaning schedule in your room.
- Review your space to remove additional hazards that could potentially result in an accident.
- Inspect all tools and equipment to ensure proper working order, safety guards, etc. Locate the owner’s manual and organize it in one location. Review Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs) to see if one exists for your tool. If one does not exist, you may need to create one.
- Complete your Chemical Inventory, review Safety Data Sheets for any chemical used or stored in your space, Check the EH&S Chemical Standard Operating Procedures repository for the SOP for the chemical and provide a training to your members who will work with the chemical.
- Complete a Before you Begin checkllist for any new projects and review them with your Faculty Advisor.
- Create a list of all required training, the necessary PPE and review them with your Faculty Advisor.
- Review EH&S Emergency Procedures, procure a first aid kit for your campus space and a fire extinguisher if you are engaging in any technical activity, working with tools and/or chemicals in your space.
- Determine who will receive keys to your campus space and keep record of who has access.
- Schedule your walk-through of your campus space with your Faculty Advisor regardless of whether you need to complete an EH&S Safety Inspection.
- Schedule and complete your EH&S Safety Inspection if you need one (please check the Inspection section for information).
- Address any corrective actions identified by EH&S during their inspection.
- Send a copy of the completed EH&S Safety Inspection (after any corrective actions are addressed) to Wes Uehara, Due by Friday, December 13, 2024.
- Submit your signed Space Utilization Agreement form by Friday, December 13, 2024.
- Provide necessary training to your members and keep a log of students that completed the training.
- Review activities with your faculty advisor once a quarter and schedule a walk-through of your campus-space.
We are here to help!

Let us know if you have any questions:
- UCLA Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S):
- Anthony Redon, Engineering Facilities Manager,
- Wes Uehara, student org helper-guy,
- Rob Candler, Associate Dean of Research & Physical Resources,
- Richard Wesel, Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs,
Please email Wes Uehara, Engineering Student Organization Coordinator, at if there is any incorrect information or URLs that do not work on this website.