FEE REDUCTION – The deadline to file for a fee reduction is Friday of the second week of the quarter, it is the student’s responsibility to submit the form before the deadline for consideration
Refer to Samueli Engineering Fee Reduction Policy and Submission process detailed at

Reasons for a fee reduction request:

  • Degree candidate – Workflow does not have a degree candidate as an option for reason. In the text box under reasons please indicate that you are filing based on degree candidacy. Also, attach a copy of the fee reduction form with reason. Less than 12 unit HSSEAS petition not required if filing based on degree candidacy. Only one fee reduction will be granted due to being a degree candidate. Second requests will be denied. An appeal letter through Message Center is required if requesting a second fee reduction.

    If you encounter a problem accessing workflow, try to “reset” the web page. Log off and/or Clear your browser’s cache or try a different browser.

    You may only receive a fee reduction once in your last three academic terms on the basis of being a degree candidate.

  • Medical reasons – on the workflow form,  select the reason as medical AND you must provide medical documentation. A less than 12 unit petition required through Message center.
  • Employment reasons – on the workflow form, select the reasons for employment AND you must provide verification of employment for 20+ hours a week. Students who work 20 hours or more may petition to drop below the minimum term enrollment requirement of 12 units; however, may only be considered for one-quarter of a fee reduction for employment reasons.
  • Personal reasons – if you are a student who is not able to manage full-time enrollment for reasons of family responsibilities, you must first communicate with an academic counselor to discuss the specifics of your situation for consideration BEFORE
    the second-week fee reduction form submission deadline