Letters from Associate Dean Wesel
To Non UCLA Students seeking concurrent enrollment through UCLA Extension in courses offered by the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
See below for revised information -
Concurrent Enrollment for UCLA Students seeking concurrent enrollment through UCLA Extension in courses offered by the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
If you are applying for Concurrent Enrollment through UCLA Extension, kindly contact:
UCLA Extension
Phone: 1-800-825-9971
Phone: 310-206-6794
UNEX will send an electronic application via email. Applications will be reviewed by the Associate Dean’s Office. Contact Myrna Reneau by email at myrna@seas.ucla.edu and cc: michel@seas.ucla.edu for additional information.
The instructor and Department will automatically receive a copy of the DocuSign application after
submission. All Approvals/Signatures are granted electronically.
Where to pick up application forms?
Application Forms for UNEX courses will be sent electronically.
Where to pick up application forms?
What Engineering courses are available through UCLA Extension?
When should application forms be completed?
Schedule for application review?
Should I attend classes before application is approved?
How will I be notified of application decision?
Where to pick up application forms?
Application forms for UNEX courses will be sent electronically by email
Criteria for Applicants?
In order to be a qualified concurrent enrollment student for UCLA Samueli School of Engineering classes, you should have completed a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering, physics, chemistry, or mathematics. This is because concurrent enrollment at UCLA Samueli School of Engineering is NOT meant for students in the process of earning a B.S. degree.
What is the procedure?
Here is the procedure to request enrollment in courses that are not on the DNA list: *DNA (Definitely Not Available) see Restricted Courses
Step 1: Electronic form: For courses that are not on the DNA obtain an enrollment form from UCLA Extension by emailing ConcurrentEnrollment@uclaextension.com
Step 2: Obtain signature of the instructor: Upon pre-approval from UNEX, an e-form will be sent via DocuSign for Instructor to sign.
Step 3: Obtain signature of Associate Dean, Office of Academic & Student Affairs: Once you have the instructor’s signature, form will be forwarded to the Associate Dean’s office for approval. If you have not completed your BS degree, please attach a transcript of those courses you have completed and a letter explaining your circumstances.
In most cases, a final decision can be made within a week of the DocuSign document being forwarded for review and approval. If there is still uncertainty regarding enrollment by regular students an email will notify you that your application is still under review.
Step 4: Visit UCLA extension to complete enrollment and pay fees: Once you are informed that your application has been accepted and signed by the Associate Dean of the Office of Academic & Student Affairs, you may contact UCLA extension office to complete the concurrent enrollment process and pay fees.
What Engineering courses are available via UCLA Extension?
Applicants may apply to any Engineering course other than those courses which are Restricted Courses
To save you from wasting time in an unavailable class, each quarter we post a list of courses definitely not available (DNA) for concurrent enrollment for the current term.
UCLA Extension staff have been instructed not to distribute application forms for these DNA classes, since we do not want you to put in a week or two of hard work in the class only to be disappointed with a denial of enrollment that was in fact a foregone conclusion
When should application forms be completed?
Enrollment applications can be completed prior to the start of each term and should be submitted no later than the first week of each quarter. UCLA Academic Calendar. All concurrent enrollment application forms must be completed by applicant and signed by Instructor and Associate Dean of Student Affairs. All applications must be fully completed prior to review.
Schedule for application review?
In most cases, a final decision can be made within a week of the DocuSign document being forwarded for review and approval. If there is still uncertainty regarding enrollment by regular students an email will notify you that your application is still under review.
Should I attend classes before application is approved?
Yes, all applicants are instructed to attend the classes while applications are being reviewed, However, again, please note: To save you from wasting time in an unavailable class, we post on the first day of classes a list of courses definitely not available (DNA) for concurrent enrollment for the current term.
How will I be notified of application decision?
In most cases, a final decision can be made within a week of the DocuSign document being forwarded for review and approval. If there is still uncertainty regarding enrollment by regular students, or waiting list for the class, an email will notify you that your application is still under review.