The Black Doctoral Network welcomes undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students to participate in our Western Regional Conference, themed “Breakthrough to Excellence.” If you have a research project, thesis, or dissertation you would like to present as a poster at a professional conference, the poster session is a good opportunity for you to showcase your academic work and receive constructive feedback from scholars in a friendly and engaging environment.
- If you are interested in pursuing a graduate or doctoral degree, the poster session offers you a great opportunity to meet students and faculty from graduate programs across the country as they view (and potentially judge) your poster
- Gain experience in presenting scientific papers
- Develop skills in effective communication for an academic audience
Submission Information
The abstract must be no more than 300 words in length. Include the title of the poster, issues you address in your work, your methods and theories, and results/conclusions of your research (if available).
Undergraduate Research Poster Competition
All undergraduate poster presenters will take part in a poster competition. First place winner will be awarded $150 Visa gift card. Second place winner will be awarded $100 Visa gift card. Third place winner will be awarded $50 Visa gift card. Winners’ will be announced at Closing Ceremony.
Decision Notifications
We will send decision notifications on a weekly basis starting February 3. Only one poster may be submitted to the poser session per presenter and one presenter per poster. All presenters must be 18 years or older. Undergraduate student registration is $75 per student. Graduate and doctoral students will need to use the member or non-member pricing which ranges from $100-$150 per person.