Government And Non Profit Night 1

Did you know that there are thousands of people employed in government
and nonprofit organizations with great benefits and opportunities to
make positive differences for people? Were you aware that over 20
million people work for these federal, state, or local agencies and
departments and help to support projects like the protection of
wilderness areas, the Space program, public health, firefighting
services, and long-term health care facilities for the aging?
Have you thought about a career in the nonprofit sector? Their funding
comes from places such as government grants, foundations, and membership
dues, but what attracts people the most to these careers is one thing:
The chance to make a positive difference in the world.
In one evening, we will bring these groups together for you in one
place, here at the UCLA Career Center.
This is a great opportunity to learn about internships and employment
targeted specifically to UCLA Bruins. And it’s your chance to meet and
network with recruiters who are looking to recruit UCLA students. All
majors and all class levels are welcome to attend!
We encourage you to research the attending organizations and
opportunities by checking this web page. Come prepared! First
impressions do count.
Business Casual attire is preferred.
Questions? Email us at
Fair admittance open only to current UCLA students. Alumni who are
subscribers to BruinView? for Alumni
<> may also attend.
Your valid Bruincard is required for admission.