Commencement Photos

On the day of the Commencement engineering ceremony we have professional photographers who will be taking photos of all candidates. Bring your smile on!


Portraits for graduating students are available through Graduation Etc. Please visit the store, located in Ackerman for assistance or go directly to the Graduate Etc website.

Students at the UCLA commencement ceremony

The company, Grad Images, has been hired to take photographs of the degree candidates on graduation day for HSSEAS. These photos will be available for student purchase.

Students please make sure you fill out the name card/photo card (one card) so you receive your photo proofs. The name/photo card (it’s the same card!) will be distributed to you at the student line up. There is absolutely no obligation for you to purchase any photos, but please make sure you fill out the name card.

Proofs will be sent to students within 7 days, and there is no obligation to purchase the final prints. For logistical reasons, pictures will be taken of ALL students regardless as to whether the student wishes to place an order. Student Marshals and the Grad Images photography team will be present during the ceremony to direct the degree candidates. NOTE: There will be pictures taken of the degree candidates as they cross the stage. Again, there is absolutely no obligation for you to purchase any photos, but please make sure you fill out the name card/photo card (it’s the same card).

If you have questions regarding the photography procedures, feel free to contact the professional photographer directly
(Grad Images, 800.261.2576 or view their web page at Grad Images)

Guests are free to take pictures of the Commencement activities. However, to ensure the best seating for your family, and to avoid delaying the line up of graduates, please urge your family not to spend too much time taking pictures before the ceremony. There is opportunity to take pictures after the ceremony if you attend the post reception (located at the IM Field).


Photos courtesy of Grad Images

2008 (pictures currently unavailable)

For Students – MyUCLA Message Center.

For the general public, Family and guests – Message Center

UCLA Commencement Homepage