Ocr Orientation Workshop

On-Campus Recruiting Program – OCR Orientation
The On-Campus Recruitment Program (OCR) provides current UCLA students the opportunity to interview with employers who visit the Career Center throughout the year. The OCR Orientation focuses on the important aspects of the program, including process overview, BruinView navigation, interviewing tips, key ethical considerations, and valuable Career Center services and resources. Note that in order for students to be eligible to participate in the OCR Program, and gain access to the OCR section of BruinView, it is mandatory that they complete an OCR Orientation.
The Career Center is offering the following on-hour OCR Orientation Workshops in August and September. All sessions are held at the UCLA Career Center, Room 200, 501 Strathmore Blvd (corner of Strathmore and Westwood Blvds.) Space is limited.
To register, visit the Workshop Section of BruinView (https://secure.career.ucla.edu/BruinViewLogin/Login.aspx). BruinView and the OCR Workshop are available free to all current UCLA students.